Mobile considering 2 SIMILAR numbers as duplicates...


AC Question

I just bought a Huawei P8 lite.
Number 1: E.g. 99 112233
Number 2: E.g. 79 112233

They are from the same mobile provider and have been like that for years. Never had a problem with calling them, and even other people (who know them both) can call them etc with no problem

My mobile is acting as if both numbers are the same! It's not recognising that they are different.
Can't create 2 separate messaging chat, because they just merge together.

They belong to people I call/msg frequently, so I need this fixed.

UPDATE: I did a "test" and tried to send the same text message to both. Meaning in the "To" section I tried to write both numbers, but a message popped up saying "Duplicate numbers removed"

So it has nothing to do with the mobile providers, but rather from the mobile itself. Anyone can help me please?

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