Question; related to a recorded message played back when a specific contact is called.


AC Question

I am a 87 year senior citizen living alone and would like to explore or learn of the capabilities of my Samsung Galaxy 3 smart phone. I would find it very valuable if my phone could be used in cases of medical emergencies? I would like to know if a call contact phone number could be setup to have a prerecorded "Emergency Alert Message" played when this Special Setup Contact Phone Number Was Answered. Example: The Smart Phone would be activated by a Voice Command like "Call 911" when the phone calls the "911" Contact Number Requested, the Prerecorded Emergency Call For Help would be activated and played when the receiving party answers the call. Example; the prerecorded message could be; "There is a medical emergency at the home of (a name and an address) I need medical assistance, my medical emergency information is posted on my refrigerator door. My next door neighbor, (neighbors address) has a key to my front door. There is a small dog in the house".

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