NFC project Help - several questions!


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May 1, 2013
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Hello comunity :)
By now I'm developing some physical control access system based on NFC technology. I'm using NFC shield PN532 shield from Adafruit for development and as communication master a PIC microcontroller by I2C bus. I'm detecting tag's and all, but my goal is to use NFC Android phones to individual identification in my reader.

1)The problem is that I find out in some f?rums discussion that chip emulation in Android phones is not possible.(!topic/android-developers/oJzeLJALdG8)

2) I'm guessing if there is any way by building a App for Android that communicate in any other way(in case of incapability of emulation mode by android phone side), like P2P for example, that can communicate and change data with my reader (by now simulated by Shield from Adafruit - PN532 from NXP).Is there any way?

3) I verified other thing. Nexus 4, the only android nfc phone that i can possibily buy for development (related to financial issues :) ), is equipped with a distint nfc chip(NFC hardware (Broadcom)) compared with the last recent nfc phones that are equipped with NXP nfc chip(NFC hardware(NXP)), like my reader (adafruit nfc shield with NXP PN532). The question is: Should I buy a phone, assuming there is a way of change bi-direcional data with my reader, with different nfc chip of it? I verified there are some issues related to read/write mode with this chip from Broadcom working with Mifare tags (that don't respect nfc forum specs completely), on Nexus 4 & 10 NFC Info - AndyTags NFC Tags and Stickers.

Summarizing, the main question i would like you to clarify is if there is possible to build an Android application that can communicate and change data with my NXP PN532 (I suppose that if emulation mode don't work, read/write mode don't help because i would like to present the cellphone to a reader programmed by me (is not a tag), only P2P communication be the solution) shield from Adafruit, supposing that emulation mode is not available from android cellphones way.

Hope you can help! Thanks !

PS: I never programmed Android apps, hence this questions. I suppose it will not be difficult because I have programmed in some other languages.

C?sar Cardoso

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