FCC Speed Test App

Yeah, wow thanks! Just downloaded it on my phone, and iPad as well! I appreciate it! Nice looking and performing app indeed!
I tried it, and I think I'll stick with Ookla's Speedtest app. The FCC app is just plain Jane and doesn't allow you to view any coverage maps like you can with Speedtest. The FCC app does have the option to automatically scan in the background and report results back to the FCC to verify provider claims, but that's not a real concern for me.
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I tried it, and I think I'll stick with Ookla's Speedtrest app. The FCC app is just plain Jane and doesn't allow you to view any coverage maps like you can with Speedtest. The FCC app does have the option to automatically scan in the background and report results back to the FCC to verify provider claims, but that's not a real concern for me.

I think they're hoping the coverage maps improve over time as more people use it. It's true that it's pretty plain, but I'm using it more for the benefit of improving overall broadband. If I want to check speeds, I typically just use Netflix's Fast.com site, or the speed test that's built into the Google app (for which they partner with M-Lab).
I think they're hoping the coverage maps improve over time as more people use it. It's true that it's pretty plain, but I'm using it more for the benefit of improving overall broadband. If I want to check speeds, I typically just use Netflix's Fast.com site, or the speed test that's built into the Google app (for which they partner with M-Lab).

, Honestly, I went back to the Speedtest app by Ookla myself.
I’ve just read that it’s not new, as I mistakenly said in my original post - now edited - but has existed since 2013. If I remember right, it was all about 3G and HSPA and H+ in those days, in the UK at least, but I’m not sure that I do remember right. That was the year before my first smartphone.
I’ve just read that it’s not new, as I mistakenly said in my original post - now edited - but has existed since 2013.

Yeah, it's all good man! I actually went back to the original ookla speed test app because it's got nicer graphics It's part of the GUI and well that's about it lol.
I installed it when it was first released because I wanted the FCC to know how much "broadband" underperformed. Clearly, it didn't do any good.
I installed it when it was first released because I wanted the FCC to know how much "broadband" underperformed. Clearly, it didn't do any good.

But it was amazing success for NSA citizen voluntary self-identification program. LOL
FCC test app

So what's the story with this FCC test?
Would be nice, IMHO, iff the app would send results back to the FCC and the FCC would get after ISPs for not keeping up their end of the contract - adequate speed 24/7.
But ... I don't see anything in the app that says who or when the results gets collated.
Seems like a scam.
Re: FCC test app

So what's the story with this FCC test?
Would be nice, IMHO, iff the app would send results back to the FCC and the FCC would get after ISPs for not keeping up their end of the contract - adequate speed 24/7.
But ... I don't see anything in the app that says who or when the results gets collated.
Seems like a scam.
Did you even explore the settings in the app? If you had you would have found .....
Re: FCC test app

So what's the story with this FCC test?
Would be nice, IMHO, iff the app would send results back to the FCC and the FCC would get after ISPs for not keeping up their end of the contract - adequate speed 24/7.
But ... I don't see anything in the app that says who or when the results gets collated.
Seems like a scam.

I merged your thread into the one I started a little while ago.

Don't worry, it's not a scam.:)
Re: FCC test app

...and the FCC would get after ISPs for not keeping up their end of the contract - adequate speed 24/7.

Kind of hard to go after carriers for that, when no such terms exists in the contracts. For example, here's a relevant section under Verizon's terms of service.Screenshots_2021-04-18-23-08-59.jpg
Of course, but there are also "implied contracts". And I think a very good argument could be made that a consumer expected cell phone service to replicate landline service. If the early PRs on cell service were studied that implication would be there.

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