Anyone else using Dbrand Skins?

Joshua Luther2

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2014
Is anyone using a dbrand skin on their phone? Slickwraps is having issues with orders. But I digress. I'm thinking of buying a dbrand. I've used them before but I'm not sure how it will look or what looks good. If you have one on your Pixel, post it here.
There are some good skins pics in one of the threads about cases vs no case. I have an orange dBrand skin on my Pixel currently.
Thanks Rhinoshield bumper with Drand skin..
oh yeah oh yeah here's a picture of my Pixel 3 XL pure white. Dbrand skin on the back in red, followed by the blue Google logo. BMW M colors. I have a white rhino shield bumper case on my phone for protection and some style!
Great thread topic - thank you for posting! I know that the Pixel 2 forums had a large thread about Dbrand skins. I'm sure if you look there, you will find some reviews and ideas too!
Yeah, thank you so much! D-brand skins give any smartphone or device a great personalized custom look! And it's so easy to remove them with a heat gun / blow dryer you can change your style up for pretty cheap whenever the heck you want to. And the rhino shield bumper case doesn't cover the entire phone and protects the edges and has a nice lip on it so God forbid you do drop You're expensive flagship phone, it's protected. It's a win-win if you ask me.
Took a moment and expanded the thread title to better address the topic, and definitely a good thing to be able to show off and compare a maker's skins!
My white P4XL has white carbon fiber on the rear, with a clear case. Looks clean and sleek
I bought this one a few days ago. I've always been a fan of the wood looking skins. Hopefully covid won't delay it too much.
Very cool. Mine was not delayed too much, it arrived in around 2 weeks
Yeah, that skin looks cool. I was looking at the dark mahogany skin for my Pixel 3 XL. The only thing is that it's not a very bright looking skin it's very subtle of course. But I would still think of the Jerry rig everything see-through skins, or the dark mahogany skin.
Yeah, that skin looks cool. I was looking at the dark mahogany skin for my Pixel 3 XL. The only thing is that it's not a very bright looking skin it's very subtle of course. But I would still think of the Jerry rig everything see-through skins, or the dark mahogany skin.
Yeah, I'm not big on flashy and bright skins. I also just bought the Rhinoshield Bumper for my phone. If you do a quick search for Rhinoshield coupons, you can get a code for 15% off. My clear caseology case is beginning to yellow a bit. I have used the black carbon fiber skins before as well. I also searched and Rhinoshield is the only brand selling bumpers for phones. It seemed high at $24.99 but I'm optimistic that it will be of high quality. I don't like thick cases or screen protectors.
I don't remember where I got these past skins but definitely like some patterns towards the woods...

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