Thinking About Purchasing One of These


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
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I am looking into this on Craigslist and am thinking about purchasing one.

Couple quick questions.

Did it update for 4.2.2 via OTA?? I asked the person on Craigslist (who doesnt' seem tech savvy) and told him/her to find out the Android version and they said 4.0.4. I thought these were getting Jelly Bean but I'm not sure.

Also, does this device support NFC so I'd be able to use NFC tags??

I currently have the OG Droid RAZR. Would you consider this an upgrade? They tried to stick in the "It's worth 600 new" so I feel like I might break their heart when I offer 150 as my max LOL. Let me know what you guys think! This is just going to be my primary device until the Google I/O to see what new stuff is coming out and then getting that or something else a little sooner.

Thanks for the info everyone!!
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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2010
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Can I ask a dumb question or am I just missing something? What kind of phone are you looking at and yes i see what forum you are in but you did not name the phone. Maybe with more info we can help you and also you might call Samsung and ask them about the model and if it has the new update available.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
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Can I ask a dumb question or am I just missing something? What kind of phone are you looking at and yes i see what forum you are in but you did not name the phone. Maybe with more info we can help you and also you might call Samsung and ask them about the model and if it has the new update available.

The Nexus - like you said, the forum I am in. No, not the Nexus 4. I have Verizon and if I didn't I would already own one of those. Sorry, I guess I deemed it self-explanatory and didn't even think of listing the device I'm interested in.

As for the model, I had no clue it was a model specific update which is why I inquired. I'm not going to go from 4.1.2 back to 4.0.4 just to have NFC. I like JB too much.


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May 21, 2011
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This is the Google branded Galaxy Nexus forum (GSM), not the Verizon Galaxy Nexus (CDMA). The two are not interchangeable. First you need to make sure the person is selling a Verizon version.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
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This is the Google branded Galaxy Nexus forum (GSM), not the Verizon Galaxy Nexus (CDMA). The two are not interchangeable. First you need to make sure the person is selling a Verizon version.

And this is why I ask questions. I assumed they were. Thanks for the info. I know it's a Verizon phone as I've seen the branded back so that part is good. I figured they were the same and interchangeable. Thanks for clearing that up.

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