Post your battery usage screen

But still that's amazing battery life!!! Mine won't sit at 90 % while sitting in my pocket for two hours and nothing running in the background :(

When it's on mobile network it eats up my battery. I keep mine on wifi when I know it's available, which is in many places in my area. When I first got it, I was on mobile network a lot and I had the phone plugged in more often than not.

Think I might have to do a hard reset. You guys are getting great battery life. I'm skeptical though. I don't really see how it could help.
When I do a Hard Reset, can I re-download my paid apps from the marketplace or will I have to re-pay for them?

When you setup your phone again, just configure it with the same Gmail account. Then the Android market will know which ones you've already paid for, and you won't have to buy them again.

However, I think I read that Gameloft actually charges you for each download.
My Screen after I left it at home for half the day...

Not sure about the camera, Didn't take any pics today.
Here i have almost 14 hrs with 33% Android System usage, ive been pretty comfortable with battery life after taking a few minutes to implement the tips from the forums and only using the radios i need when needed.

oh yeah NO task killer. yes, unrevoked root & OCwidget.

That's with VERY heavy battery use, I don't know what you are doing wrong if you're only getting a few hours out of it.
So if I leave mobile data, wifi, and gps on at all times, and I use a live wallpaper, how much battery life should I expect?
Thanks, and by the way. I was on my phone when I first saw your reply and I tried to thank you from there but i didn't do anything and then my internet completely froze. I tried closing it, going to other websites, deleting the history, cache...nothing and finally I had to d/l an app killer just to close the internet down.....this phone is super buggy

Edit: and wouldn't you know, I follow the instructions word for word and they DO NOT WORK.....atleast for my phone. When I hold the volume down button and hit the power button nothing happens! and I know I'm doing it right because if I hold the volume up button I get the bootloader

The easiest way is to go to Settings > Privacy > Factory Data Reset

If you want to really get into it, you can follow one of the rooting guides and install a new rom. Most of them come with various battery tweaks.

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