What about the HTC One (M8) DON'T you like?


Retired Moderator
May 23, 2010
There have been several leaks lately including a video of the device walking through the hardware and software included with it. Considering what we've already seen, what don't you like about the M8 that you wish could be changed?

Let's take it a step further and assume that HTC called you directly and said, "What's the 1 thing you want us to change or include in the M8?" I know it's hard to come up with that One thing since there may be many. But considering that, what would you say?
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Retired Ambassador
Aug 26, 2013
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

I think I as well as many others (although I won't be getting the phone) would get rid of the black bezel on the front of the phone. So much wasted space that just adds to the size of the phone, and all just to get their logo on the front of the phone. Like we didn't already know what phone it was :p

Sent from my Galaxy S4 running SlimKat 4.4.2


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2013
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

Everybody's going to say bezel, but another think that stands out to me is the build design. It's too curvy in my opinion. Plus the finish on the metal makes it look a tad garish if you ask me.

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2011
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

Reports that with the SD card, internal memory will be reduced to 16. Hate that idea. Let me have 32 for everything but media (music, audio books, movies) which I can put on the SD card.

Posted via the "Best Smartphone of 2013" One


Well-known member
May 14, 2012
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

Let's assume that none of us like the bezel (we don't). What else?

In the video he said it was 4.7" yet again, I'd like 5" which could be achieved without the black bezel lol

Sent from my HTCONE using AC Forums mobile app


Retired Ambassador
Aug 26, 2013
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

Let's assume that none of us like the bezel (we don't). What else?

In the video he said it was 4.7" yet again, I'd like 5" which could be achieved without the black bezel lol

Sent from my HTCONE using AC Forums mobile app

I don't like the design of the phone either. The One (M7) looked a lot better

Sent from my Galaxy S4 running SlimKat 4.4.2


Well-known member
May 14, 2012
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

I don't like the design of the phone either. The One (M7) looked a lot better

Sent from my Galaxy S4 running SlimKat 4.4.2

I tend to agree.

On the plus side I did like the look of the camera interface

Sent from my HTCONE using AC Forums mobile app


Retired Ambassador
Aug 26, 2013
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

I tend to agree.

On the plus side I did like the look of the camera interface

Sent from my HTCONE using AC Forums mobile app

I didn't see much of the video that got uploaded so I'm not sure how that looked.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 running SlimKat 4.4.2


Oct 18, 2013
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

The only thing I won't like is if they are still using microusb 2.0 instead of 3.0.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2011
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

The whole HTC scheme of bootloader security and S-On. How long it is. And Sense UI, although its more bearable than Touchwiz.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

The gimmicky camera. HTC swung and missed (big time) with their Ultra Pixel gambit. Not only did the camera under perform its competition in virtually every known professional comparison but the modules themselves were defective. Just see the various threads on AutoFocus issues and the dreaded purple tint. I own 3 Ones and the issues have occurred on 1 so far. If 33% of their cameras are defective that's a major problem.

Fast forward to 2014 and HTC is even more dire straights financially. Rather than play it safe and put a standard 13-16mp camera in there they seem to have come up with a new gimmick, the double lens. It can either be spectacularly bad or good. Seems like quite a risk for them.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2013
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

Fast forward to 2014 and HTC is even more dire straights financially. Rather than play it safe and put a standard 13-16mp camera in there they seem to have come up with a new gimmick, the double lens. It can either be spectacularly bad or good. Seems like quite a risk for them.

You're joking right? The only reason Samsung has gotten this big is because they spent so much money on taking risks and advertising them to no end. There was no way to properly physically showcase that ultrapixel camera, it just had nothing going for it, but two cameras on the back of your phone get people talking about it. All HTC needs is to market themselves as the only phone with a dual camera lens for -insert whatever the hell it does here-. If you want "standard" there is the galaxy S line that holds that word hostage now. Only way to beat your competition is to make something that isn't standard (ie. the metal casing on the HTC that made it so popular, competing with the popular metal design of the iPhone) and to then flaunt it.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

What? The metal casing did nothing for HTC except win over a handful of tech sites and bloggers. The phone was a commercial flop. HTC can't beat samsung and they can only hope to become viable again. If the dual camera flops as bad as ultra pixel did it could be sionara for HTC.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2013
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

What? The metal casing did nothing for HTC except win over a handful of tech sites and bloggers. The phone was a commercial flop. HTC can't beat samsung and they can only hope to become viable again. If the dual camera flops as bad as ultra pixel did it could be sionara for HTC.

The only reason it won over those people was because of the anaemic marketing on the part of HTC, if people actually knew about it, then the metal casing would make it a success

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2013
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

What? The metal casing did nothing for HTC except win over a handful of tech sites and bloggers. The phone was a commercial flop. HTC can't beat samsung and they can only hope to become viable again. If the dual camera flops as bad as ultra pixel did it could be sionara for HTC.
A handful of tech sites? More like every mobile site, because they all praised it. Also, the phone won phone of the year/best smartphone at things like MWC and phonedog. That, honestly, is probably what put the phone at the top of many people's lists (obviously not enough). That unique android design was very important for the limited success of that phone, without it it probably wouldn't have sold much at all.
Beating Samsung isn't a battle of phones btw, it is a battle of advertising. That's why I said the dual-camera is a much better advertising point than a 4MP camera. You also TOTALLY ignored the point of my post which is to tell you that putting a 13-16MP on the camera isn't enough, and that it HAS to take risks to get over on competition.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2013
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

A handful of tech sites? More like every mobile site, because they all praised it. Also, the phone won phone of the year/best smartphone at things like MWC and phonedog. That, honestly, is probably what put the phone at the top of many people's lists (obviously not enough). That unique android design was very important for the limited success of that phone, without it it probably wouldn't have sold much at all.
Beating Samsung isn't a battle of phones btw, it is a battle of advertising. That's why I said the dual-camera is a much better advertising point than a 4MP camera. You also TOTALLY ignored the point of my post which is to tell you that putting a 13-16MP on the camera isn't enough, and that it HAS to take risks to get over on competition.


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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2011
Re: What about the M8 DON'T you like?

No wireless charging
Don't think it's easy to implement with the metal back.

I'm hoping this time the camera have a little more than 4MP, I hope the 5MP rumor is wrong. Regardless of pixel quality it needs higher res.