Change Clock from 24 Hour Format??


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2011
How do I change the clock from 24 hour format? That is 22:30 instead of 10:30PM....

I have Watch Styler as well as 'Galaxy Gear LED Alarm' both installed and have tried them and like them, but the only clocks that show standard time format instead of military / 24 hour time are the built in originals like 'Weather Clock'....If I use either/any of the optional clocks in the packages they only show mil time and I can't find any setting anywhere to change that????!!!
Mine is set to auto sync from the phone so you would think it should use whatever the phone is set to. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be the case (I tried it in a feeble attempt to get an answer for you). I cannot see anywhere in the watch to change it either. Maybe a future enhancement from Samsung?
I got it to work on mine. When you create a digital watch theme in Watch Styler and get to the time part, you can swipe left or right to select from several styles and fonts. The ones that are 24 hour in the sample will be 24 hour on the watch - same for 12 hour.
I am having the same issue. For some reason, last week my phone quit displaying regular time format and started displaying 24 hour military time. No one can seem to help me fix it. I've tried unpairing it from the phone and re-pairing, but still it shows military time. About ready to ditch my gear fit for a new fitbit.
I finally figured out why it's doing this. It's certain phones, mines the Samsung LG Fuel. After a call of 1 minute and 30 seconds, no matter what phone app I use, the built in one, Hangouts, Talkatone etc... My EAR rubs on the screen just perfectly to hit the right buttons to switch screens every time to the date/time format and to check the 24 hour display instead of 12 hour. I've learned how to reset it by going into the date/time settings and resetting it to 12 hours but Android needs to come up with a way to LOCK it to prevent that from happening. I don't have this issue on any of my IOS devices.
My phone had somehow gotten switched to military time. I needed it the other, I don't have time to do math. lol Found the answer here how to change it back. A lot of things get changed by themselves lately since the upgrade on the Samsung Galaxy S4
Go into settings,
Tap the magnifying glass,
Type time in the search menu,
Tap Date and Time
Go to *Use 24-hour format*
turn it on and off if needed to reactivate
How do I change the clock from 24 hour format? That is 22:30 instead of 10:30PM....

I have Watch Styler as well as 'Galaxy Gear LED Alarm' both installed and have tried them and like them, but the only clocks that show standard time format instead of military / 24 hour time are the built in originals like 'Weather Clock'....If I use either/any of the optional clocks in the packages they only show mil time and I can't find any setting anywhere to change that????!!!

You need to go into settings on your phone, go to system, date and time, check the box to change the phone clock to 24 hr time then uncheck the box so it reverts back to 12hr time. Problem solved.

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