Galaxy S6 capicitative back button spamming


New member
Apr 24, 2015
Hello everyone, I'm new around here.

I got my S6 last Wednesday and twice since then my back button has gone out of control as if I am spam pressing it, I have put the phone down to make I am not accidentally pressing anything and it continues. I was just wondering is this is a somewhat common problem or if it would be a good idea to exchange it over for a new one.

Thanks for any assistance.
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Re: Galaxy S6 haptic back button spamming

Welcome to Android Central! Sorry, but what do you mean by spam pressing? Is it just constantly registering a press even when you're not touching it? Any other phantom touches, either of the capacitative buttons or the touchscreen?
Re: Galaxy S6 haptic back button spamming

Hey there, I'm new here too. I got my GS6 two weeks ago and I've been having the same issue the past couple days. It randomly hits the back button even when I'm not touching the phone. I've restarted multiple times and cleaned the screen and everything. It makes it really annoying to use when my apps keep closing out.
Re: Galaxy S6 haptic back button spamming

Thanks for your response!

I like that term you used, 'phantom presses', explains it very well, as I have haptic feedback on when it did these phantom presses I could feel it was doing it at a pretty fast speed, fast enough that I couldn't keep any apps open. And no it's only the back capicitative button that seems to be doing it.

Since posting this it has not happened again but it did happen twice within the first week I had the phone. I was just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem or if I should exchange it with a new one.
Re: Galaxy S6 haptic back button spamming

Thanks for your response!

I like that term you used, 'phantom presses', explains it very well, as I have haptic feedback on when it did these phantom presses I could feel it was doing it at a pretty fast speed, fast enough that I couldn't keep any apps open. And no it's only the back capicitative button that seems to be doing it.

Since posting this it has not happened again but it did happen twice within the first week I had the phone. I was just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem or if I should exchange it with a new one.

Exchange it!
I just got mine yesterday. Having the same problem. Happened twice already.

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Okay, I've had my S6 since mid April. Just today I was listening to Spotify and I tapped the home button to go home. Ever since, my phone has been "phantom pressing" the home button. It constantly opens up up the camera and the quick google search. Also the lock screen button doesn't respond. Since I couldn't restart it due to the lock screen button not working, I let it run out of battery thinking that it would stop. When it turned off, I plugged in the charger and was able to use the lock screen button to turn it back on. As soon as I took it to the lock screen it brought up the camera again. Also occasionally the speakers will make weird noises. The only thing that I can get to work is answering calls. Please help.
Sorry to hear that. No that is not common and I have not experienced this on my S6 or any previous Galaxy Sx phones. Although I sometimes accidentally press the "back" or "multitask" button when I'm cleaning that area, those buttons shouldn't activate on their own and certainly shouldn't "spam press" themselves.

i would take it back for an exchange if I were you. Good luck. Keep the group posted.
Hi there!!

I got the same problem as you did but after two weeks of using. How is your phone now?? Did you exchange it? My s6 is from T-mobile but unlocked and rooted. Plus i'm not in the US either so my problem is kinda harder when I can't exchange it. If you have fixed the phone please tell me how or if the store took it back and told you it was really defective one(sad for me) :( Thanks in advance
Mine is an international phone purchased without a carrier, so no warranty. The only way I have found to resolve it is to turn it off for 15 to 30 seconds. Just rebooting it didn't work for me.
Mine is an international phone purchased without a carrier, so no warranty. The only way I have found to resolve it is to turn it off for 15 to 30 seconds. Just rebooting it didn't work for me.

Try clearing the cache partition. If that doesn't work, factory reset.

Posted via the Android Central App
I'm having this issue that's driving me crazy.
Already execute factory reset and it didnt solve the issue.
As I bought it in USA and using it in Brazil, Samsumg said that I dont have any warranty and nothing can be done by them.
When I use it in US 2 weeks there were no Problem, its starts in the airport and getting worst since then ( 1 month ).
Did you find a solution or after stop never happens again?

i have the same problem. first thought it was whats app but having this problem with any app that i try opening.
i had S6 for a few months and phone asked to do a software update that i put back for more than a month. now after the update and week later the phone is doing the phantom back button. there was another update available and did it last night but still same issue... :(
Mine is an international phone purchased without a carrier, so no warranty. The only way I have found to resolve it is to turn it off for 15 to 30 seconds. Just rebooting it didn't work for me.
Samsung carries a 1 year warranty on all their devices. You can contact them for repair.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
I have same problem. It stops when I disconnect from wifi. Meaning it happens only when I'am connected to wifi. Disconnect from wifi then it will stop at once.
Ive had 2 S6's (launch was replaced due to camera sensor problem). Both of my S6's have never experienced this, i'd suggest changing it if you're within the allotted timeframe.
I have had this too but i wonder if a common theme with users is a screen protector? I had a new phone this morning which did the same as you all mention but after removing screen protector the issue cleared!
Yeah I currently have the same issue with my S6. Bought only 3 months ago and started happening. No screen protector or case to interfere with the sensor of the back button. Phone is clean and damage free. Rebooted phone, powered off a number of times, turned WiFi off and back on again. Have cleared cache and factory reset the phone 2 times. Will work fine for days then will suddenly become affected. Phone is totally unusable! Have virus scanned the phone also, nothing found.

As I have only had the phone for 3 months I am taking it to a Samsung certified repair centre for a warranty repair.
I have just had this happen to me for the last 3 days. I've downloaded a back button app off the playstore and now it's fine not done it all day now. the only thing it puts a small back button on your screen and 3 others not to noticeable but if it's driving you mad like it was me it's worth a try
could be a coincidence, but this worked like magic to me:
(i am a new user so i cant post links ... but here it is)
1. enter YOUTUBE
2. find this video: "Samsung Galaxy S6 Touch Screen Sensitivity Fix"
This BUG was so annoying... and this guy from the video, saved the day!
i salute you