How to turn OFF shuffle option in Music Player


New member
Jul 2, 2013
When listening to CDs that I download to my tablet, I'll press the "next track" button (or FWD) and it won't go to the very next song, it'll pick a random track and begin playing it. I see the shuffle option at the top of the screen but it doesn't allow me to turn it off!! HELP PLEASE!
Very simple I just could not for the life of me find where the shuffle option was turned on. When you play a song at the bottom of the player where the FF/ play buttons are located there is an album image. TAP THE IMAGE! Tada! There's the menu and the shuffle button is right there on the left.
When you select a music, open it in a fullscreen mode were the album picture occupies a great part of the screen. After that, at the bottom of that, there's a few icons and the bar that makes you select the part of the music you want to hear. In that zone you have a two crossing arrows icon, click it and you won't be on shuffle any longer
Thank you so. You are an absolute star. I've been trying to turn it off for ages thanks. Xx :)
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Thank you!! this has been bugging me for weeks!!
The songs in a folder were playing out of order, and i could not figure out how to fix it. Tapping the image did not even occur to me!

Thanks again for pointing it out!

Thanks!!!! I have been listening to my audio books and it kept shuffling the chapters :-/ Seems to be working GREAT now!!!!
Great news. Couldn't find anything in the manual. One of the most irritating feature that exists. I like to listen to an album, and presumably start at track one, and go through to the last track in track order.
If you can not understand any of the replys below and are still having trouble you can phone Samsung and they will either do it for you remotely or guide you thru' it. All the best.
When I now open my recently added list all my older songs are at the top & i have to search for the new ones. At the top of the Playlist it says shuffle 341 tracks, when I turn it off when I play a song the songs are still out of order.
When listening to CDs that I download to my tablet, I'll press the "next track" button (or FWD) and it won't go to the very next song, it'll pick a random track and begin playing it. I see the shuffle option at the top of the screen but it doesn't allow me to turn it off!! HELP PLEASE!
Ya, unfortunately the default shuffle all is always the option when you first choose a new album. It would be nice to have the option to change that without having to expand and select no shuffle every darn time!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! That is the most non-intuitive way to turn shuffle on or off I've ever encountered. I've literally been trying off and on for a few weeks to figure out how to do it!
Very simple I just could not for the life of me find where the shuffle option was turned on. When you play a song at the bottom of the player where the FF/ play buttons are located there is an album image. TAP THE IMAGE! Tada! There's the menu and the shuffle button is right there on the left.

Thank you!

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