AT&T Galaxy Note 2 - 4.3 update will be November 20


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May 31, 2012
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Re: 4.3 update will be November 20

That is great news, assuming they stick to the schedule...

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Oct 8, 2013
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Re: 4.3 update will be November 20

Really??? I finally get a note 2 as a good spare and theres no update yet? Glad I kept my HTC ONE as primary!

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Feb 21, 2013
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Re: 4.3 update will be November 20

Even assuming that date is correct, I'm pretty sure it's just the date when Samsung is making their TouchWiz gloss on 4.3 available to AT&T. Who knows how long AT&T will take with its own testing before pushing it out to our Note 2s.


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Feb 21, 2013
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Re: 4.3 update will be November 20

did your blender get the 4.3 update? I'm thinking about switching

Nah, the Cuervo Gold ROM is based on 4.2.2 and has never been updated.

The Best Buy leak says 11/13 for the S4, but there are some people on AT&T over in the S4 forum that say they're already getting it OTA. Hmm. Wonder if we'll get ours OTA sooner than 11/20.


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Dec 20, 2011
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Re: 4.3 update will be November 20

Even assuming that date is correct, I'm pretty sure it's just the date when Samsung is making their TouchWiz gloss on 4.3 available to AT&T. Who knows how long AT&T will take with its own testing before pushing it out to our Note 2s.

Yes! Exactly! Thank you!

AT&T Note II users will be lucky, trust me, to see the 4.3 upgrade before Christmas... I dare say it will be much later.

Now, that said, this particular upgrade is different from any other for one simple reason: Both Samsung and AT&T (and all other carriers, too) want to be able to sell "Galaxy Gear" this Christmas; and so they're scrambling to make sure that all the phones they're planning on being compatible with Galaxy Gear are so compatible in time for Christmas.

AT&T Samsung Galaxy-family phone owners have never seen anything quite like that before. In the past, AT&T has taken its sweet time to upgrade OS versions; and often even misses its own deadlines (or makes them, but with faulty upgrades, and so has to quickly withdraw them, then we wait weeks or months longer). It is not unusual for Samsung to release an OS upgrade to carriers, and for AT&T, at least, to not actually roll it out for literally months!

The only reason we might get the 4.3 upgrade on our Samsung Galaxy Note II phones anytime soon after November 20th is because, again, Samsung and all the carriers want to sell Galaxy Gear this Christmas; and so they've got to get all the phones which they're planning to have compatible with Galaxy Gear all ready to go in time for Christmas shopping. So, who knows... maybe we actually will get 4.3 by late November or early December.

Don't hold your breath, though. Articles even back in September, written by people who have the inside track to both Samsung and the big carriers, have all been saying that it will take most carriers -- especially AT&T -- at least until mid- to late-December 2013 to finally roll-out the 4.3 upgrade.

Please keep your expectations realistic.


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Feb 21, 2013
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Re: 4.3 update will be November 20

Yes! Exactly! Thank you!

AT&T Note II users will be lucky, trust me, to see the 4.3 upgrade before Christmas... I dare say it will be much later.

It's probably best to look at it that way, and then be surprised if for some reason the Best Buy leak is literally correct and the AT&T rollout begins on 11/20.

But prepare to be surprised, though: the Best Buy leak said that 4.3 would roll out for the S4 on Verizon on October 28. Guess what started rolling out late on October 28? Yup, 4.3 for the S4 on Verizon.


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Dec 20, 2011
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Re: 4.3 update will be November 20

It's probably best to look at it that way, and then be surprised if for some reason the Best Buy leak is literally correct and the AT&T rollout begins on 11/20.

But prepare to be surprised, though: the Best Buy leak said that 4.3 would roll out for the S4 on Verizon on October 28. Guess what started rolling out late on October 28? Yup, 4.3 for the S4 on Verizon.

That would be great...

...but, as I wrote elsewhere, it's AT&T's and Samsung's greed (to get all the phones they plan on being compatible with "Galaxy Gear" so compatible, in time for Christmas) that's driving this expedience. Normally, we wait, endlessly, for MONTHS after Samsung releases the upgrade to the carriers.

But, hey... I think we'll all agree that we'll take it any way we can get it...

...but I'm worried about at least one thing: By AT&T's rushing it, will it end-up being the most buggy OS version evern pushed to a Galaxy-family phone? And, if so, then once the bit Christmas Galaxy Gear buying season is past, how long will it take AT&T to fix it? It takes AT&T months to release its customized version of an OS upgrade because that's how long it takes to get it right. AT&T disables stuff; changes stuff; adds stuff; and does it kinda' recklessly... a bit like a bull in a china shop. And so what it releases is often screwed-up compared with what Samsung releases. If that process is compressed into just days or weeks, I'm worried that we'll all end-up with really buggy phones by Christmas. Oh, sure, they may "talk" to Galaxy Gear, but they may start doing all kinds of other crap they shouldn't be doing, too!

[sigh] We'll see. I don't mean, by my negativity, to suggest that I'm not just as interested in and hopeful about a soon-arriving 4.3 upgrade as anyone else. I'm just saying that AT&T, et al, are departing from their normal way of doing things...

...and it makes me nervous. But, again, maybe it'll all work out. Who knows. Time will tell.


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Feb 21, 2013
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Re: 4.3 update will be November 20

I think it's pretty clear now that the 4.3 update WILL be on our Note 2s next week. The leak turned out to be correct that 4.3 would be arriving on AT&T S4s today (it actually started rolling out yesterday). So there is no reason now to doubt -- even among the most pessimistic and dour of you -- that it will in fact be rolling out to the AT&T Note 2 probably starting on Tuesday the 19th.

So . . . when's 4.4 coming?


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Dec 20, 2011
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Re: 4.3 update will be November 20

I think it's pretty clear now that the 4.3 update WILL be on our Note 2s next week. The leak turned out to be correct that 4.3 would be arriving on AT&T S4s today (it actually started rolling out yesterday). So there is no reason now to doubt -- even among the most pessimistic and dour of you -- that it will in fact be rolling out to the AT&T Note 2 probably starting on Tuesday the 19th.

The only reason we're getting it at all before Christmas is because Samsung and the carriers -- the carrier AT&T, in this/our case -- want Note 2, S3 and S4 users to avail themselves of Galaxy Gear in time for Christmas, like Note 3 users. Were it not for that, we'd not have seen 4.3 in 2013... and likely not even 'til mid 2014. Anyone who's been with AT&T using Samsung phones for awhile, and has seen how AT&T and Samsung do things, knows this is true.

The decision to give us 4.3 this year, before Christmas, was likely made in the late summer, when Samsung decided to skip 4.2 for the Note 2. However, the reason AT&T and Samsung didn't announce that that was the plan was because they knew that those who wanted to purchase the Note 3 in order to get 4.3 might not so do if they knew they could get 4.3 on their Note 2's by just waiting; and so Samsung and AT&T stayed mum about it. The two companies were also not completely convinced that they could roll-out 4.3 to the Note 2 in time for Christmas, hence the reason all insiders who knew anything about it were saying -- and still say -- that the Note 2 will be that last of the phones in question to get it. As of mid- to late-September and into early October, no one inside Samsung or AT&T believed they could achieve it much before mid- to late-December.

That remains what they're saying. It's likely going to take AT&T a little while to get 4.3 exactly how it wants it for its Note 2 users. The delay, if there is one, is going to be AT&T, not Samsung.

The reason it's rolling-out to the S4 right now is because that's the newest, hottest phone that Samsung and AT&T are selling. The S3, and not the Note 2, is the next-hottest of the phones slated to receive 4.3 in time for Christmas for Galaxy Gear purposes. The Note 2 is -- and has always been slated to be -- last.

Does that mean that AT&T won't get lucky and be able to deliver 4.3 sooner than originally thought? Of course not! Maybe it will; and, if so, then perhhaps we could all have 4.3 closer to the beginning of December. Who knows.

However, as someone who's been on the receiving end of a Samsung OS update/upgrade rushed too fast to market by AT&T, trust me when I tell you that you should hope and pray that AT&T will take all the time it truly needs. As long as we get 4.3 before Christmas, then any time right up to December 25th is fine by at least me. And, in fact, if AT&T is rushing things too much such that even getting it to us by then is taxing it (and, therefore, making it statistically more likely that there'll be errors and problems), then I, for one, would rather AT&T waited until whenever in the 1st quarter of 2014 would be better. A botched OS update/upgrade can so ruin a phone, so fast, that in less than two weeks after installing it, you'll finally just throw your arms in the air in exasperation and exclaim out loud that you'd pay almost any price to finally have a Note of any model number just just works... which point you'll go get a Note 3, and throw your Note 2 in a drawer forever.

It'll take however long it takes. If we get it as early as next week (and, trust me, we won't; but, what the heck, if we do), and if it's not a mess because AT&T rushed things, then I will be as happy as anyone else, here...

...and will have the courage to stand-up, like a man, here, and admit that I was wrong. I won't be holding my breath for that, though. Mark my words.

So . . . when's 4.4 coming?

Why? Version 4.3 won't be good enough? Version 4.1.2 is still good enough! There's not a darned thing wrong with it (other than the version of it we got updated-to OTA last Spring suddenly had comparatively-worse battery life; and, also, the phone sometimes forgets default apps... though there's evidence that that has more to do with how apps get updated and things that get reset during updates that shouldn't be reset). What, in any case, is with the pathological (and that's the completely right word) need to updata/upgrade all the time? When is what you have ever good enough?

Oy. [sigh] See the thread about update anxiety to which I herein earlier linked. [shakes head in disbelief]


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Feb 23, 2011
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Not to be mean...I'm actually meaning this in a friendly way but just leave it alone some people don't necessarily get a phone for what it is but a vague suggestion and promise what it can be. And if I might add this constant redirecting of everyone to your dictation/opinion might come across as controlling. Not everyone will ever agree or adopt another opinion as there own. Thank you

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Dec 20, 2011
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Not to be mean...

People never start out with something like that unless they know that that's precisely how it's going to be perceived. Why, then, do it? Just say what you want to say and don't couch it in insincerity.

I'm actually meaning this in a friendly way...

Of course you're not, or you wouldn't have needed to misdirect and call it something it's not; and that you, me and God all know it's not. Please don't pee on our collective leg, and then tell us it's raining.

...but just leave it alone some people don't necessarily get a phone for what it is but a vague suggestion and promise what it can be.

In what you wrote are the smartest words in this thread, to wit: "...some people don't necessarily get a phone for what it is, but a vague suggestion and promise what it can be." Well put.

However, there's nothing friendly about telling someone to just leave it alone... at least not without putting "please" in front if it. Your desire to control how I present, here, ultimately overtook your perceived obligations to the implied social contract... with "control" being the operative word, given what next you write.

And if I might add this constant redirecting of everyone to your dictation/opinion might come across as controlling. Not everyone will ever agree or adopt another opinion as there own.

If that were the criteria, around here -- or in any forum, for that matter -- there'd be fewer than half the postings; and eventually everyone would lose interest.

Moreover, stop it with the "controlling." You sound like a man-hating women's rights activist (which, except for the "man hating" part, I happen to be; so I easily recognize it). It's simply not possible for anyone to be "controlling" in a half-duplex paradigm like this one; and, more directly to your "controlling" point, there is nothing -- and I mean nothing -- wrong with the notion of "control." Control is essential in life; and those who think it's not follow, while those who think it is lead. I am unapologetic about control, just generally. Sadly, for purposes of your point, what I'm doing, here, has nothing to do with control; and your thinking so speaks volumes about how someone has likely abused you in life, and so you see all assertiveness as control.

There's a huge difference between being controlling, and being assertive -- and insistent on a point -- so that no one will be misled, which is my only real goal. Only people with victimization issues can't tell the difference.

Additionally, the debate doesn't break down until and unless people start name-calling and becoming abusive, which I do not do. If it seems to you like I am, then perhaps you need to take a giant step back and self-examine.

People don't get to just keep making-up their own stuff, with impunity. I will challenge it every single time, which is my right. I fear your experience with forums is limited, and so you're under a wrong impression about how they're supposed to work; and how spirited debate, if that's what's going on, looks. I'm sorry if my participation, here, rubs you the wrong way, but that's not my problem, and shame on you for trying to make it so. My words, here, are as valid as are yours; and I fear that your rolling your eyes at the ceiling and thinking you know what I'm going to write is keeping you from actually reading all my words which, here, are fair to both sides of the issue; and allow for me to be wrong (and specify what I'll do if I am). I don't see how I could possibly be more fair in my presentation...

...which presentation, at least, just makes the points, and doesn't tell anyone how they should be making theirs. You, on the other hand, are trying to tell me how to make mine...

...which is the very definition -- the epitome -- of controlling. Please try to see that.

How 'bout I write, here, what I want which doesn't violate this place's TOS; and you write, here, what you want which doesn't violate this place's TOS, and let's just leave it at that, shall we?

Thank you.

Oy... more insincerity. Sometimes "thank you" is really "thank you;" and sometimes it's actually a kiss-off. You, me and God all know which one you meant...

...just like the conservative Christian, me and God all know what said Christian means when s/he says "bless you" to me after I've had the temerity to call him/her on his/her Bible-thumping spiritual abuse of others. It's all the same passive-aggressive sort of thing.

Again, I'll write what I write, and you write what you write; and if they have cause to respond to one another, then let's just do that, and not also try to tell one another how to present, shall we?

I think that would be better, don't you? [a rhetorical question]


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Feb 21, 2013
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Uh . . . this is just a thread speculating on whether the Nov. 20 leak date is accurate. It has no deeper meaning.


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Oct 24, 2011
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My Note 2 is unlocked and when I look to update anything, it always reminds me that my phone is 'modified'. So, when the new software rolls out the 20th, will I be able to get it or is there some hoops I need to go through first?


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Dec 26, 2011
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Here we go again (shakes head in disbelief)

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Yeah, but, it's a good thing he doesn't take himself too seriously, isn't it? {wink}

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