It is very unlikely that these are included. The process here is something to the effect of the following:
Week 1-2: Cycle starts. Any issues identified in the past four weeks are included in this patch.
Week 3-4: Google Patch is complete, OTA's begin for Nexus devices.
Week 4: AOSP is updated.
Week 4-6: OEM's can now retrieve the code and begin testing.
Week 7-8: OTA's go out to "PURE" devices (devices that are not sold through carriers)
Week 7-10: Carriers get Code, start testing
Week 11-12: OTA's ready to roll for "CARRIER" devices.
Meanwhile, in Week 4 Google is starting another patch, and again in Week 8 and again in Week 12 and OTA's for nexus devices are rolling in Weeks 7-8, 11-12, etc.
So, depending on how the A9 is sold and whether or not carrier certification is needed for their security updates and whether or not HTC (as opposed to carriers) are rolling the OTA, the security updates should begin to arrive on the A9 within 7 to 12 weeks of when the cycle starts, or 4 to 9 weeks after Nexus devices begin receiving an OTA.