1600 aftermarket battery test.


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Jan 29, 2011
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so you been glued to it all day? lol

are you going to update this one? If so ill bookmark it

I prefer the term "tethered." ;)

And, yes, I am working at home today.

I will let you know when it goes dead and then post again the results of it's 6th charging....... If I forget, please PM me. :eek:
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Jan 29, 2011
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Now at 30%

08:33:18 up time
07:17:47 awake time

Again this is the first charge, with a bump, for this Seido 1600 battery.

If this improves over the next 3-5 days like my OEM one did, I will be a happy camper.

But if this the best it can do, it will get a thumbs down and the OEM will be the winner.


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Feb 8, 2011
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Interesting stats on the Seido battery. I had two of them for the Blackberry Storm 2 and they were worthless - they underperformed the stock battery by so much I had to discard them. Unless there is a huge upswing in how well that battery performs I can't justify purchasing another one from them. I do like their wall chager and just ordered the adapter for mine.


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Jan 29, 2011
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Interesting stats on the Seido battery. I had two of them for the Blackberry Storm 2 and they were worthless - they underperformed the stock battery by so much I had to discard them. Unless there is a huge upswing in how well that battery performs I can't justify purchasing another one from them. I do like their wall chager and just ordered the adapter for mine.

I like their cases, I got one when I ordered the battery. I have never tried their batteries, and might not have tried this one, if I had read about how to get better life out of the OEM batteries before placing my order.

As it stands today, this battery did better than the OEM on it's first charge - BUT - I didn't bump charge the OEM battery until the 4th day (I didn't know about BC) I got over 13 hours of up time on the OEM after the BC.

If I don't get an hour more over the OEM by day 5 of charging, it will be deemed a waste of money.


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Jan 29, 2011
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OK, I'm calling it a day.

I just got the notice to plug in.

I'm at the RED 20% mark

10:09:47 Up time
08:54:08 Awake time

This concludes the first charge test of my new Seidio 1600 battery.

Stop back Sunday to see what my next results are.


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Mar 18, 2011
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1400 stock battery you will get 4hrs

so a 1600 you will get 4.5hrs

and the brick 2750 you will get 7.8hrs

You really need to stop posting in the T-bolt forum until you actually buy a phone.

Seems to me like the only people complaining about the battery either:
A) Don't own a Thunderbolt and are spouting gospel about "what they've read"
B) Want to use their phone like a laptop computer but expect the battery life of a remote control.

My T-bolt lasts just as long as my old EnvTouch did, which is something considering the only thing I used the Env for was texts and phone calls and the screen was half the size. Why doesn't Apple's phone have a 4.3" screen? Because people would start crying about battery life. It's a compromise I was willing to make.

I unplug my phone around 6:30am and head to work. Once I'm at work I check my e-mail, send texts, check stock quotes, check news feeds and downloaded a few apps. At lunch I watched some videos and played a game. After lunch I continued checking e-mail, texts, news and stocks. It's now 3:30 and I'm still sitting at 40% battery which will last me well past the time I get home, as it has the last 3 days.

I turn the display brightness down and turn off GPS while I'm at work. Other than that I have all apps syncing away with the exception of Blockbuster. I'm in a 4G area at work and a 3G area at home.

For those people that complain about having to turn stuff off, try buying a Garmin and tell me how long you can use it without having it plugged in, if you say more than 4 hours you're lying. I know because I own one.

Should they have designed the phone with a bigger, better battery in mind? Hell yes. But I'm still pretty happy getting 10-12 hours out of my 4.3", 4G, badass phone.
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Feb 15, 2011
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You really need to stop posting in the T-bolt forum until you actually buy a phone.

Seems to me like the only people complaining about the battery either:
A) Don't own a Thunderbolt and are spouting gospel about "what they've read"
B) Want to use their phone like a laptop computer but expect the battery life of a remote control.

My T-bolt lasts just as long as my old EnvTouch did, which is something considering the only thing I used the Env for was texts and phone calls and the screen was half the size. Why doesn't Apple's phone have a 4.3" screen? Because people would start crying about battery life. It's a compromise I was willing to make.

I unplug my phone around 6:30am and head to work. Once I'm at work I check my e-mail, send texts, check stock quotes, check news feeds and downloaded a few apps. At lunch I watched some videos and played a game. After lunch I continued checking e-mail, texts, news and stocks. It's now 3:30 and I'm still sitting at 40% battery which will last me well past the time I get home, as it has the last 3 days.

I turn the display brightness down and turn off GPS while I'm at work. Other than that I have all apps syncing away with the exception of Blockbuster. I'm in a 4G area at work and a 3G area at home.

For those people that complain about having to turn stuff off, try buying a Garmin and tell me how long you can use it without having it plugged in, if you say more than 4 hours you're lying. I know because I own one.

Should they have designed the phone with a bigger, better battery in mind? Hell yes. But I'm still pretty happy getting 10-12 hours out of my 4.3", 4G, badass phone.

i have the phone what do you want a pic>? Invoice? Email Comformation? Let me know

You all are not understand use time from up time. Yes my phone has been on for 8hrs not but i only used it for 2hrs and its at 44%. Yes my phone will last a week but i could only use it for 10 min a day to do that. Im talking about use time.


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Nov 6, 2009
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i have the phone what do you want a pic>? Invoice? Email Comformation? Let me know

You all are not understand use time from up time. Yes my phone has been on for 8hrs not but i only used it for 2hrs and its at 44%. Yes my phone will last a week but i could only use it for 10 min a day to do that. Im talking about use time.

That's the case with most android phones in general. 2.5-3hrs of actual screen on time over a 12 hour or so period was all I usually got on the Fascinate.
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Mar 18, 2011
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i have the phone what do you want a pic>? Invoice? Email Comformation? Let me know

You all are not understand use time from up time. Yes my phone has been on for 8hrs not but i only used it for 2hrs and its at 44%. Yes my phone will last a week but i could only use it for 10 min a day to do that. Im talking about use time.

Again, please show me a phone with a 4.3" screen that you get more than 4 hours of "use" time on. My Env had the same amount of "use" time with it's tiny 3" screen, no gps, no web, no apps, no anything but text and talk.

If you want to use your phone like a laptop, don't complain that you have to plug it in more often or that you have to buy a "brick" for a battery.


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Feb 15, 2011
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Again, please show me a phone with a 4.3" screen that you get more than 4 hours of "use" time on. My Env had the same amount of "use" time with it's tiny 3" screen, no gps, no web, no apps, no anything but text and talk.

If you want to use your phone like a laptop, don't complain that you have to plug it in more often or that you have to buy a "brick" for a battery.

droid x solid use i got 6 hrs and 14min and its 9mo old

iphone i know its smaller but i got a solid 8hrs on it yeah little crazy but i was trying to figure out what all the fuss was about


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Jul 23, 2010
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Again, please show me a phone with a 4.3" screen that you get more than 4 hours of "use" time on. My Env had the same amount of "use" time with it's tiny 3" screen, no gps, no web, no apps, no anything but text and talk.

If you want to use your phone like a laptop, don't complain that you have to plug it in more often or that you have to buy a "brick" for a battery.

I daily get 5 hours of display on time on my thunderbolt.


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Jan 29, 2011
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My conclusion

OK. I got the Seidio 1600 battery yesterday, charged it over night (11 hours) and bump charged it (2 bumps).

The phone is on. Let the discharge begin!! :D

Any one else have this battery? Let hear your experiences, good, bad, or indifferent.

WiFi on.
Bluetooth on.
4G area (doesn't matter right now, because WiFi is on)
Most syc stuff off.
Animation on
Weather on.
Screen @ 25%

2 hours and twelve minutes, at 80%:

2 phone calls, 55 minutes.
Set up Blockbuster account.
Downloaded one Blockbuster movie.
Sent 3 emails
Read 5 emails
light surfing

My "test" methods will not satisfy some of you out there. But for the "average Joe's" it should be OK.

The Seidio 1600mAh, cycled 4-6 times, bumped most of those times (see? I told you this wouldn't satisfy some of you out there)

Todays charge, full over night with three bumps. Yes, the phone was turned OFF.

I had set my screen to 100% + auto Saturday, because I just could not see it well enough at 25% during the day.

WiFi was set to auto detect and I used it at home over my WiFi for about the first 7 of the 10 hours it was on.

I am in a 4G area and was on 4G for the last 3 hours of the 10.

Turned the phone off with 14% charge left.

Uptime: 10:18:15
Awake time: 02:58:37

Percent usage:
Screen: 44%
Phone calls: 46% - 01:53:04

Did no surfing while on 4G
Sent 3 emails while on 4G
sent 2 text messages on 4G

My conclusion is the Seidio is not worth buying, if you just want an extra battery, buy an extra OEM.

If you want extra battery life, buy the OEM extended battery.

On the plus side, after 4 days of sitting on my desk, I put the OEM battery in my TB and it is showing 96% charge..... I don't know what it was 4 days ago.
(see? I told you this wouldn't satisfy some of you out there) ;)
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Jan 29, 2011
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i told you man no hard feelings lol

You, and many others before you. You didn't design or build the battery, nor did you recommend or force me to buy this battery?. so no, there are no hard feelings. I'm not sure why you would text "lol", were you trying to mock me?

I read all of the reports on this battery AFTER I had already ordered it, so my expectations were not high. I had better results than this and I had worst results than this. The results vary because of the usage, settings and environment.

I had the phone screen set at 100% + auto for the last two days (which is a no-no for battery conservation) simply because I was tired of trying to read the dimmed down screen in daylight. I also kept the WiFi on all day (for lunch and an office visit) . I was outside in 25 degree weather for the last three+ hours of the day, and it is my understanding that cold weather is not good for battery life.

This was not a controlled scientific study. Just my real world usage report.

So, tomorrow is the day you return your Thunderbolt?
No more Thunderbolt forums for you either, right?


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Mar 16, 2011
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I bought this battery also. I do not see a noticible difference from the stock battery - but that doesn't really mean anything to me right now. The battery problems are much more affected by the behavior of the phone - which is what I need to learn better.

ie: in a poor reception area with my wireless signal on, I've gone down to half battery in less than two hours. Other times, I've gone more than 12 hours in a good reception area with little battery drain while WiFi, BT, AutoSync are all active. On both conditions I barely used the phone. (I have not tested 4G drain yet)


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Mar 16, 2011
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...For those people that complain about having to turn stuff off, try buying a Garmin and tell me how long you can use it without having it plugged in, if you say more than 4 hours you're lying. I know because I own one...

I'm not sure of your specific case, but I have a Garmin 60CSX. I always carry a second pair of Lithium AAs, but I easily get 8 hours with Trace on while I'm Kayaking and/or fishing and more than 12 hours with Trace off. This Garmin has been the best and most reliable outdoor device I've ever owned.
