7 inch or 10.1 inch?


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Jan 9, 2013
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My fiance' gave me the tab 2 7 inch for Christmas. I originally wanted the kindle fire, but he surprised me with this tablet. So far I have liked it ok, although sometimes I find it not much bigger than my galaxy s3. I am trying to decide if I should take it back for the bigger version or keep the smaller version. I originally wanted an ereader, and do like the lightness and portability of the 7 inch. How do you feel the 10.1 inch version works as an e reader? Trying to decide which size is better. Also, I am a little worried about the 4 gb of available memory on the 7 inch version...suggestions please :)


Dec 11, 2012
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I bought a 7" Google Nexus back in September for my 5 year old. It's a great device for apps, games, watching videos/youtube, etc. IMHO - it's too small for reading. Maybe because I'm middle aged now and my eyes are not what they used to be - but reading books and magazines on a 7" device is NOT something I find enjoyable. I purchased a Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 for my wife for Christmas - have used is a few times - and find the reading experience on it to be much more enjoyable. Yes - you lose some portability with the 10.1 - but I think that's a small trade-off.


Dec 23, 2012
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I absolutely love my 7 inch. I use it for reading and have no issues because I just adjust the books font to a larger size if needed. I used to use a 10 inch for reading too but I definitely prefer the 7 inch for that. If you get a nice lightweight 10 inch then you may prefer that. It's just personal preference. I always use 2 tabs, and I recommend that if you can swing it. I have a ipad I use for games and most daily use, and for bed browsing and reading I use my 7 inch Galaxy Tab. Good luck deciding! Either one will be great.

Sent from my UNrooted Galaxy Tab 2 7.0


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Jan 9, 2013
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Im not sure I can afford 2 at this time...kinda why I'm trying to decide if I want to trade this one in for a bigger one...I could possibly purchase another one later down the road...


Dec 23, 2012
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Im not sure I can afford 2 at this time...kinda why I'm trying to decide if I want to trade this one in for a bigger one...I could possibly purchase another one later down the road...

Yeah, That would be good. Maybe go for the 10 inch if you think it would work better for you. I have a feeling it would. Enjoy!

Sent from my UNrooted Galaxy Tab 2 7.0


Dec 23, 2012
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Do most people own both 7 inch and 10 inch? If you could have only one which would you have?

That's hard for me. I love having both, but I think tons of people just have one or the other. I guess for me if I had to choose, it would be a 10 inch. Since I use it pretty much as my main internet access and games. Its just my personal prefrence though.

Sent from my UNrooted Galaxy Tab 2 7.0


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Jul 22, 2012
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I have the Note 10.1, and just picked up the Tab 2 7.0 the other day since it was $200.

No worries at all about that 4GB available memory -- just get a 32-gig microSD card for about $25, and you'll have plenty of memory to fill up with videos, MP3 files, pictures, and whatever else you want to have along with you.

One thing to keep in mind is price -- you're going to pay a whole lot more for that bigger screen. Though, some of the extra you might pay will be for "extra memory" beyond the 8GB that the Tab 2 7.0 has, but if you stick with Samsung, it's the same story -- you don't need to spend a couple hundred more for more memory -- just pop a 32-gig microSD card, which will once again be about $25.

As for reading and such, I suppose the 7-inch screen is fine for e-reading, and it's actually just fine for watching videos and such. And it's a whole lot smaller and lighter than a 10-incher.

To me, where the 7-incher really falls flat is web browsing -- I swear, it's not a whole lot better than surfing on your phone. That's where the bigger screen really shines -- browsing the web.

If I could only have one, I'd have the big screen -- it's just all in all more useful. But, if you're going to be carrying the thing around with you everywhere you go, then perhaps you'd prefer the smaller size and weight of the smaller tablet.

Little Darwin

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Jun 11, 2011
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As far as rudeness... I would talk to your fiance, because what really matters is what she thinks is rude... what us anonymous forumites think is secondary to that. :)

I just bought an iPad for someone, and frankly, I think the size (and weight) makes the larger tablet uncomfortable to hold. I guess you could get used to it, but in going through the various tablets before I bought, I really preferred the 7" size for myself.

As far as media... I have a 42" tv, and when I hold my 7" tablet, it is visibly larger than my tv. I learned to appreciate this perspective many years ago when I took a picture of my laptop, and realized in the resulting photo that the laptop screen was bigger than the tv screen in the background of the shot.

I am actually pretty comfortable with reading even on my 4" cell phone, but the 7" tab works very well as a reader (there must be a reason that all of the most popular readers are 7" and under).

I agree that for web browsing, there are some limitations on a 7" tab, but that is not one of my main uses.

Good luck on your decision.


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Jan 9, 2013
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yeah, I do a lot on my tablet when I'm sitting or lying on the couch....only concern is that the 10 in would be cumbersome or get heavy to hold. esp with one hand..


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May 12, 2010
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I have both and use my 7 inch tab far more than the 10. It's just so much more convenient to carry around with me especially at work. It fits nicely in my pants cargo pocket. I hate to say that the inch tablet does get a little heavy while reading.


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Jul 22, 2012
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I've noticed with the 7 inch tablet most websites come up as mobile sites, is it the same with 10 in. Tablets?

It does depend on your browser, and its settings. The Dolphin browser, for instance, has a "user agent" setting where you can tell web sites to see it as a mobile device or a desktop device.

Also, if you bookmark a site's normal page, that's what you'll usually get, not the mobile site. All of this said, though, not all web sites work the same, so your results may vary. ;-)


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Jan 9, 2013
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Thanks Thoots!! I went onto dolphin and did see the "user agent". I saw the options were android, iphone, or ipad....what does the Ipad do that it can have its own custom setting?


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Dec 27, 2012
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I can't imagine holding a ten inch for reading... Maybe because the e ink readers are smaller than the tablets lol
I have the iPad and can't stand using it for reader but like it for other things.
Is a personal preference.... Without a doubt lol

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