A few beefs


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Feb 19, 2011
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I am a long time (verrry long time) Blackberry user and finally made the change to Android. I was waiting until a device like the Inspire came out.

Overall, I love the OS and the device, but I have a few minor complaints:

1-The camera on my Torch takes much better pictures in low light. I hope an OS update will improve the quality on the Inspire.

2-Notifications sounds and the ringer are a little on the quiet side.

3-Facebook and Twitter have few configuration options. I don't understand this at all.

4-Phone sound is a little tinny.

These are all pretty minor and certainly won't make me go back to BB.

Last, for sometime I've been reading posts here and there where Android users bash the BB OS for being boring and "old". Now I get it!


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Feb 19, 2011
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I'm surprised you didn't mention the battery. It's TERRIBLE. This phone also feels "old" to me. Nothing new or innovating.

I have no problem with the battery at all. I heard it was bad, but that is not my experience. It will not last as long at my Torch's battery, but still, it's not bad. I can easily get a whole day with moderate usage.


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Mar 21, 2010
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for some people who are having battery issues, try to configure auto sync in the options. Before i had almost everything auto syncing but i disabled most everything except e-mail and the battery lasts much longer now. Down to about 56% after 12 hours instead of 33%


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Mar 8, 2010
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I dint even use my Inspire that much because Im still using my iphone 4 but the little times I do you it my battery dies fast.


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Feb 19, 2011
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I agree that this phone is VERY tinny, my wife was asking what is wrong with it when I was using speaker to check voicemail (Google Voice! Since the the default AT&T is pathetic after using Visual Voicemail these last few years!)

And the battery is terrible.
A test last night, charged fully, unplugged and left it - this morning, it's already below 50%. And yes, sync is running with Facebook contacts, two Gmail accounts, HTC sense, Skype contacts, and Weather.
And that was with Silent Time keeping notifications and vibration inactive.

I've purchased SystemPanel to get a clue on what is pulling power.


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Feb 14, 2011
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I agree the battery could be better but how does this phone feel old? What were you coming from before you got the Inspire?

I'm coming from the iPhone 4. That phone has spoiled me and I'm sure many others. But I wasn't saying this felt old bc of that. I can't exactly pinpoint why I feel this thing is outdated but something about it just feels, "run of the mill." The screen is not that amazing or anything new. There really isn't any new tech.

Maybe my sights were set to far. Maybe I was expecting something revolutionary. Maybe ill just get the Atrix and stop complaining. ;)


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Mar 10, 2010
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Guys, this isn't supposed to be an innovative, cutting edge product. It's a mid-range device (based on how it's priced) and more of a refresh. That being said, the hardware is still current gen (newer Snapdragon processor and SLCD screen) and it is no slouch. It is well worth the asking price.

I'm not sure why everyone is having issues with battery life. While the small battery was my primary concern, I have been getting 12-16 hours of battery life every day without issue. This is with using the phone heavily (several calls, internet, streaming slacker, multiple accounts syncing) and I have several e-mail accounts set up on a push schedule. As far as I can tell, the battery life is just short of what my iPhone 4 would do and that's impressive.

The Atrix might have the newer hardware, but I have owned several Motrola android phones and Moto always manages to screw them up on the software front. Motoblur doesn't enhance android the way Sense does. It cripples it. My Droid X was the last Moto phone I will ever own until they go stock Android. The Atrix will have an encrypted bootloader and all of the wonderful bugs/issues that Motoblur brings.
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