A Few Questions: Switching from a Palm Pixi Plus


Active member
Dec 27, 2010
Hello! I'm trying to move from a Palm Pixi Plus to an Incredible, but I have a few questions. If any of you have come from a Palm device, that would be great, but if you still have an input to these questions then that's helpful too.

-I've heard the Incredible has the lowest Android phone battery life. However, I read a review that said the phone can make it through a day with usage, but by later in the evening you may need to plug it in if you use it a lot with a lot of internet and call usage. To me, this seems fine. I take my Palm Pixi off the charger at 7, and it's about to die by 2:30 or 3. I text a little during the day, and I may do one or two google searches throughout the day, but I wouldn't consider this heavy or even normal usage. I love having a smartphone, but I feel like I can't even use it without my battery dying within a few hours. Sometimes I can get it to last until about 5 if I don't use it all day. Sometimes it'll be down to 20% within two hours, even if I don't use it. I charge it from about 3 pm to 7 am the next day, so I know it's fully charged. Is the Incredible the same way, or is this pretty much the same battery life? What is your usual routine usage, and how long does your battery last?

-If you came from a physical keyboard, did it take you a while to adjust to the virtual keyboard? I've heard HTC has a good keyboard. I have a virtual keyboard installed on my Pixi through homebrewing, and I make some mistakes on the tiny screen and the no auto-correction or spell check capabilities. Is the auto correction on the HTC keyboard easy to use and adjust to?

-I know the Thunderbolt is coming out soon, but I really don't care a lot about LTE, and I don't want to wait for my upgrade or pay a lot more to get the phone. Still, I'm worried about the Incredible's age. It seems like a great phone, but I'm looking for input on others. Do you consider your Incredible dated? Would you still be willing to buy it today if the Thunderbolt wasn't coming out or was beyond your price range?

-Is there anything you don't like about your Incredible? When I got my Pixi, I researched it for months, yet I've still come to realize there are many flaws that really bug me and that I can't see past. I'd like to know from users who have used the Incredible for a while what they don't like about their phone and what the flaws of it are so I can make sure I'm picking a good phone since I'll be spending more money to buy it off contract, I won't have a warranty, and I probably won't be able to return it since I'll likely be buying it from eBay.

-If you've come from Palm, do you think the switch to the Incredible was a positive experience? What do you think are the pros and cons? If you came from another platform, what do you like more about the Incredible?
well the incredibles battery life is not the best BUT you can easily get a slim extended battery (around 1800) mAh and during the day if you dont use ur web services alot and just text and call turn off your 3G signal THAT WILL GIVE YOU A SERIOUS BOOST IN BATTERY LIFE i meant like from 5:30 in the morning to about 8:00 at night you will 30%

The htc incredibles screen is a nice size and the keyboard even in portrait mode is great it might take a day to get used to it the auto correction is good but i ussually turn it off cause i think its sort of annoying

i dont feel as if my Dinc is dated but the new thunderbolt and droid incredible 2 coming out soon both have a bigger screen(even better to type on and watch videos) and have a new snap dragon procsessor making the phone even faster and smoother

I personally LOVE my droid incredible and i think you will too its alot faster than your pixi would ever be the screen size is great and well its a good looking phone the only annoying thing to me is the battery life and since my job as a teacher im not able to really use my phone so i just turn off my 3G signal and read the occasional text and thats it

i had a pre+ and i really liked the multi tasking and the camera wasnt to bad but i really didnt see webos going anywhere the android platform i feel like will be forever expanding
well the incredibles battery life is not the best BUT you can easily get a slim extended battery (around 1800) mAh and during the day if you dont use ur web services alot and just text and call turn off your 3G signal THAT WILL GIVE YOU A SERIOUS BOOST IN BATTERY LIFE i meant like from 5:30 in the morning to about 8:00 at night you will 30%

The htc incredibles screen is a nice size and the keyboard even in portrait mode is great it might take a day to get used to it the auto correction is good but i ussually turn it off cause i think its sort of annoying

i dont feel as if my Dinc is dated but the new thunderbolt and droid incredible 2 coming out soon both have a bigger screen(even better to type on and watch videos) and have a new snap dragon procsessor making the phone even faster and smoother

I personally LOVE my droid incredible and i think you will too its alot faster than your pixi would ever be the screen size is great and well its a good looking phone the only annoying thing to me is the battery life and since my job as a teacher im not able to really use my phone so i just turn off my 3G signal and read the occasional text and thats it

i had a pre+ and i really liked the multi tasking and the camera wasnt to bad but i really didnt see webos going anywhere the android platform i feel like will be forever expanding
Thanks for your reply! I'll probably get an extended battery sometime but I also wanted to make sure the stock battery would at least last a little more than my pixi for a few weeks after I get an Incredible.

I know there's a difference in processor, though to me it's not a big deal since I'm used to my pixi having memory issues and having to restart it every morning to clear the memory just to use it enough to open a simple app like messaging.

I've been sticking with my Pixi mainly for the multi-tasking. I've always heard palm fans say that multi-tasking on Android is a lot worse and that the OS is harder to use, but I've gotten bored with my phone, and Palm hasn't been doing anything interesting. I thought WebOS 2.0 would hold me until my upgrade comes, but now they've taken back their promise of giving the Pixi and Pre the update. I also heard before getting my Pixi that Android doesn't give a lot of its phones updates, but now I've realized Palm is just as guilty. At least on Android there's more progression, and even if there aren't official updates, the rooting community is larger, faster, and more advanced with making unofficial updates to manually install. Android may seem more complex, but to me it seems to just have more features than Palm. I love the personalization, too, especially HTC Sense's 7 homescreens and widgets. Also, choosing programs like browsers reminds me of a true mini computer, and not a sloppy, sacrificed one like Palm's OS seems to be with its limited minimal features.
when switch from webOS to android it is a big leap with out a doubt...but its just way more worth it with all the customization android multitasking isnt horrible i mean webOS's in my opinion is better but all you have to do is simply long press the home button and you'll see your most recent apps
Yeah I guess I didn't understand how biased a Palm forum can be. Once I took the time to actually full research Android, I realized it was actually completely different and a lot better than Palm and what I thought it was. My grandfather recently got a Droid X and I spent some time using it, and now I actually like Android multi-tasking better than Palm's. It's annoying to have all the cards on the homescreen and my Pixi hardly lets me open any cards. I like how Android runs smoothly while multi-tasking and you don't even have to know which applications are open, but you can still multi-task quickly if you want to in the separate recent apps screen and still see the homescreens clearly at the same time.
Hello! I'm trying to move from a Palm Pixi Plus to an Incredible, but I have a few questions. If any of you have come from a Palm device, that would be great, but if you still have an input to these questions then that's helpful too.

-I've heard the Incredible has the lowest Android phone battery life.

-If you came from a physical keyboard, did it take you a while to adjust to the virtual keyboard?

-Do you consider your Incredible dated? Would you still be willing to buy it today if the Thunderbolt wasn't coming out or was beyond your price range?

-Is there anything you don't like about your Incredible?

-If you've come from Palm, do you think the switch to the Incredible was a positive experience? What do you think are the pros and cons? If you came from another platform, what do you like more about the Incredible?

the battery life is bad, but like jaredshoes said you can get the extended battery. by bad, i mean you will get like 8-10 hours with moderate use? or something like that. with light use i get all day until i go to sleep, and with heavy use i might need to charge it by like 5:00 pm. It's tolerable but it could be better.

The stock keyboard is ok- personally i dont like it very much, but you can download other types of keyboards like swiftkey, swype, the gingerbread keyboard (i use this one).

If i were going to get an incredible right now, i would get it on a 1 year contract, and be mostly very happy with it. they just slashed the prices at verizon so i bet a 1 year contract price on the inc would be reasonable.

dislikes: the stock keyboard and the battery door. and the camera is ok but i wouldnt sell my nikon (i dont have a nikon but you understand what i mean).
likes: processor is fast, phone is snappy almost always, things work correctly, nice size, good development/roms if you want to mess with your phone.

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