After GB, I'm permanently Low on Space

:-!Very frustrating...had 50mb this morning and now I have 14mb free (after restarting). I have consistently had to remove apps to keep it above 40. Today...I did nothing different. A few games (mahjong) and spoke on the phone once. I've never experienced such as drain as this.

Question: Is Gmail stored on the phone? I just looked at the gmail and it's showing 101 mb on the phone? Doesn't look like I can move it to the card.
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:-!Very frustrating...had 50mb this morning and now I have 14mb free (after restarting). I have consistently had to remove apps to keep it above 40. Today...I did nothing different. A few games (mahjong) and spoke on the phone once. I've never experienced such as drain as this.

Question: Is Gmail stored on the phone? I just looked at the gmail and it's showing 101 mb on the phone? Doesn't look like I can move it to the card.

I wouldent use the gmail app mine is 2mb i use the android default mail and have my gmail set to only show the past week of emails you should give that a try.
As for me i have to clear data everday i think its time to ROOT.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
Hello all,

Unfortunately there seems to be only two solutions: rooting & factory reset. I chose the latter and am satisfied with 230MB of available Internal Storage. It took a couple of hours and was easy.

What I did:
1. Backup any settings to SD card: Colornote, DolphinHD, etc...
2. Ensure all contacts are saved to Google. A brilliant move I saw in this forum is to: export all contacts to SD card, * clear the data from the contacts application, then import them and it will give you an option to save them as Phone or Google. Save to Google and clean up the duplicates online.
3. I took pictures of my desktops (lol, getting old and can't remember).
4. Emailed myself a list of my downloaded programs.
5. Factory reset Here.

I'm sure there are better ways to accomplish the steps above, but it worked for me.

I've just moved all my newly downloaded apps to the SD card and in Internal Storage: 197MB used --- 231MB free. I was at 63MB free. The apps that I backed up restored easily and my phone is super smooth. It took less time than all the research I've

Hope it helps.
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Hello all,

Unfortunately there seems to be only two solutions: rooting & factory reset. I chose the latter and am satisfied with 230MB of available Internal Storage. It took a couple of hours and was easy.

What I did:
1. Backup any settings to SD card: Colornote, DolphinHD, etc...
2. Ensure all contacts are saved to Google. A brilliant move I saw in this forum is to: export all contacts to SD card, then import them and it will give you an option to save them as Phone or Google. Save to Google and clean up the duplicates online.
3. I took pictures of my desktops (lol, getting old and can't remember).
4. Emailed myself a list of my downloaded programs.
5. Factory reset Here.

I'm sure there are better ways to accomplish the steps above, but it worked for me.

I've just moved all my newly downloaded apps to the SD card and in Internal Storage: 197MB used --- 231MB free. I was at 63MB free. The apps that I backed up restored easily and my phone is super smooth. It took less time than all the research I've

Hope it helps.

sorry, I'm rooted but still have this problem. Will factory reset effect root?
Hello all,

Unfortunately there seems to be only two solutions: rooting & factory reset. I chose the latter and am satisfied with 230MB of available Internal Storage. It took a couple of hours and was easy.

What I did:
1. Backup any settings to SD card: Colornote, DolphinHD, etc...
2. Ensure all contacts are saved to Google. A brilliant move I saw in this forum is to: export all contacts to SD card, then import them and it will give you an option to save them as Phone or Google. Save to Google and clean up the duplicates online.
3. I took pictures of my desktops (lol, getting old and can't remember).
4. Emailed myself a list of my downloaded programs.
5. Factory reset Here.

I'm sure there are better ways to accomplish the steps above, but it worked for me.

I've just moved all my newly downloaded apps to the SD card and in Internal Storage: 197MB used --- 231MB free. I was at 63MB free. The apps that I backed up restored easily and my phone is super smooth. It took less time than all the research I've

Hope it helps.

I think this is going to be my route as well, but I have a question before I do it. Do you remove the SD card? Does resetting the phone also reset the card? I'd hate to erase everything on my card, lol.
You will have an option to, but by default it will not affect your SD card. Don't check the box and you will be fine.
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I missed and edited a crucial step in the above post regarding the import of contacts from SD card to save then as Google.
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You will have an option to, but by default it will not affect your SD card. Don't check the box and you will be fine.

Thank you for your post! I was hovering around 40 MB free until I did the reset. I followed your simple directions and reloaded all the same apps and I now show 230 MB free. I didn't ever realize until I did the reset how many things had stopped working due to the low space issue.
I did the factory reset and it worked well. I got over 200 MB free after the reset, but it gradually went down. Now it seems to be hovering around 90 MB for the past couple of weeks.

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