All of the sudden "updates" section is different + battery problem!


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2013
Got my replacement and did the update and for many days everything was working amazing well. Phone won't overheat anymore and battery was significant better.

All of the sudden this morning and without performing any update or anything related the settings under the "update' section of the phone look different and also when I press to manually update etc nothing happens (see attached pic)

Also battery all of the sudden is dropping like crazy. I haven't installed any weird app etc.

Anyone has experiencing the same issue?

Big thanks all!

Weird I was coming to find if someone was having this problem as well or I'm crazy. This is still on my original because I haven't gotten my replacement yet, but all of a sudden today programs like Whatsapp and Facebook are showing notifications that aren't there and the battery life is abysmal all of a sudden. I had it charged to 100 and now it's at 86 with me literally not touching it at all and nothing is running. This is crazy.
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I reported last night that I was having similar issues... TODAY, all seems fine.. I keep rebooted my phone and that seemed to help... Also, I had an issue with changing my phone, but I discovered this was from a bad outlet!..
have you the VR app installed, if so, uninstall it for now, apparently it is an update to that causing the battery drain issue
After the Oucules downloads and its issues, my phone is back to normal!.
Oucules stated that you don't need to Uninstall there apps. Fixing the issues!

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