Android OS and phone idle seem high


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2013
Hello everyone,

I'm on day 2 with my moto x and my battery isn't lasting nearly as long as many of you. I've turned off quite a few things since yesterday and I'm confident that my battery today will be better.

The problem seems to be Android OS and phone idle percentages. Android OS. Yesterday android is was around 30%, with some changes I have it at 18% as of now. Is this acceptable?

Phone idle yesterday was at 5%, but only after an hour off the charger today its at 9%! Any clue why?

New android user here, a long time iPhone user so any help is appreciated!

Posted via Android Central App
Also just to let you know. I have wake lock detector installed. Under wakeup triggers, facebook shows as 61 times in 1.5 hours. Is this normal? I'm not exactly sure what to look for in this app.

Posted via Android Central App
Also just to let you know. I have wake lock detector installed. Under wakeup triggers, facebook shows as 61 times in 1.5 hours. Is this normal? I'm not exactly sure what to look for in this app.

Posted via Android Central App

I personally don't use Facebook but check in the settings to see if it is updating information or doing background syncs. If it's bring queried that many times then it could be a big battery drain.

Sent from my Moto X
I don't see anything wrong with the Android OS and idle percentage. Same with Facebook since it's checking for updates. What's you battery life look like?

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2
I checked in the settings and also the app settings and everything seems disabled but Facebook now has 120 wakeup triggers in 3 hours. What the hell!

Posted via Android Central App
The percentage is a percentage (i know this seems obvious). It means that 30% of the total power draw is estimated to be tied to the Android OS. For example if you drain 10% of your battery over time, then 3% of the overall battery was used on the Android OS so far. I have 30% spent on the Android OS and Screen with pretty good battery life. All of the things listed on my battery screen are phone related.


For reference I have been 21 hours on the battery with no charging and I'm at 40%. That include 3 emails (2 gmail, 1 exchange), internet use, music playing, and plenty of texting.

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