Any reason battery life is awful?


Jan 30, 2017
Hi! so I bought my LG V20 about a month ago and so far it was great, the only problem I have is with the battery..
It seems like for some reason, My phone's battery is extremely weak. Compared to my sister's V20, as she could listen to music with data on for a couple of hours and losing maybe 1% (for me with data off it would take about 5)
Compared to a friend's LG G5 which can stay unused with data off for 5-7 hours on 100% when for me, using airplane mode + Battery Saving (second screen disabled) and force-stopping every possible app, it will lose about 7-13% when unused for 8 hours.
I tried everything I found (cancel auto-sync, deleting cache, battery saving mode, adjust brightness) and nothing changed.
Tried to switch batteries aswell.. Removed the SD card, removed the battery and put it back only to find that restarting the phone reduced 7% of the battery, and then 4% more were lost during the 90 seconds it took me to reach a charger.. something here is really messed up..
only thing left to try is factory reset which I really don't want to do every single time my battery drains quickly because that means backing everything up which takes time..
I hope you could tell me what's wrong with my phone.
Thanks in advance! :)
EDITED- Is there a way to somehow make battery life longer by rooting the device? I haven't really tried to root any of my devices but I think I was told that you could improve performance by doing it..
Last edited:

I think doing that factory reset might be your best bet.

It sucks, but use LG Backup to back up your stuff and then restore them after resetting the device.

I used that before flashing a Marshmallow image to an LG G3 and it restored almost everything.

As to what causes it, there's a lot of things that can make a phone drain more battery than usual, but because it's so wide, I can't give a definitive cause right now.

Any rogue apps? Recent installs? Anything weird draining to much power?

Hi! so I bought my LG V20 about a month ago and so far it was great, the only problem I have is with the battery..
It seems like for some reason, My phone's battery is extremely weak. Compared to my sister's V20, as she could listen to music with data on for a couple of hours and losing maybe 1% (for me with data off it would take about 5)
Compared to a friend's LG G5 which can stay unused with data off for 5-7 hours on 100% when for me, using airplane mode + Battery Saving (second screen disabled) and force-stopping every possible app, it will lose about 7-13% when unused for 8 hours.
I tried everything I found (cancel auto-sync, deleting cache, battery saving mode, adjust brightness) and nothing changed.
Tried to switch batteries aswell.. Removed the SD card, removed the battery and put it back only to find that restarting the phone reduced 7% of the battery, and then 4% more were lost during the 90 seconds it took me to reach a charger.. something here is really messed up..
only thing left to try is factory reset which I really don't want to do every single time my battery drains quickly because that means backing everything up which takes time..
I hope you could tell me what's wrong with my phone.
Thanks in advance! :)
Mine retains 100% on airplane mode for at least 8 hours. I don't take any step other than activating airplane mode. My note 3 and note 7 both lost about 10% overnight on airplane mode. Nothing ever improved it.

I think doing that factory reset might be your best bet.

It sucks, but use LG Backup to back up your stuff and then restore them after resetting the device.

I used that before flashing a Marshmallow image to an LG G3 and it restored almost everything.

As to what causes it, there's a lot of things that can make a phone drain more battery than usual, but because it's so wide, I can't give a definitive cause right now.

I tried to factory reset. I DID reinstall most of the apps (except for "Swiftkey" which I suspected was causing problems)
turning data off & using batttery saving mode with second screen disabled, it still lost around 5% in 9 hours. it's better I guess, but still not that great compared to the other V20 and the other G5. any other idea?

Any rogue apps? Recent installs? Anything weird draining to much power?

I tried to use some apps to find what takes so much battery.. nothing helped much.. Only thing I did was uninstall Swiftkey but except for that I don't really suspect anything else.
plus according to the "Battery usage" nothing was really on an wasting battery during the night so I don't know how to notice if there's a certain app causing this

Mine retains 100% on airplane mode for at least 8 hours. I don't take any step other than activating airplane mode. My note 3 and note 7 both lost about 10% overnight on airplane mode. Nothing ever improved it.
that sounds right about where I want to get to. any tips?
I work in a dead zone. Even in airplane mode for four hours I still use 4-8% battery. Also I use two phones, I swap all the time. Same result on either device.
I work in a dead zone. Even in airplane mode for four hours I still use 4-8% battery. Also I use two phones, I swap all the time. Same result on either device.

I don't think I understand.. I can't see how a phone on airplane mode loses battery due to bad signal..
anyway my signal is good so I don't think that's the problem.. but thanks!
Hi! so I bought my LG V20 about a month ago and so far it was great, the only problem I have is with the battery..
It seems like for some reason, My phone's battery is extremely weak. Compared to my sister's V20, as she could listen to music with data on for a couple of hours and losing maybe 1% (for me with data off it would take about 5)
Compared to a friend's LG G5 which can stay unused with data off for 5-7 hours on 100% when for me, using airplane mode + Battery Saving (second screen disabled) and force-stopping every possible app, it will lose about 7-13% when unused for 8 hours.
I tried everything I found (cancel auto-sync, deleting cache, battery saving mode, adjust brightness) and nothing changed.
Tried to switch batteries aswell.. Removed the SD card, removed the battery and put it back only to find that restarting the phone reduced 7% of the battery, and then 4% more were lost during the 90 seconds it took me to reach a charger.. something here is really messed up..
only thing left to try is factory reset which I really don't want to do every single time my battery drains quickly because that means backing everything up which takes time..
I hope you could tell me what's wrong with my phone.
Thanks in advance! :)

Try clearing the cache. SETTINGS > GENERAL > SMART CLEANING

Then delete and uninstall apps or files you don't use. Uninstall Facebook and Messenger. Turn SYNC off and background data.
Try clearing the cache. SETTINGS > GENERAL > SMART CLEANING

Then delete and uninstall apps or files you don't use. Uninstall Facebook and Messenger. Turn SYNC off and background data.

Already deleted facebook and Messenger (actually "disabled" facebook since I couldn't uninstall it).
I tried to clear the cache before and after I used factory reset and I didn't notice any changes.
I turned off Sync and still with data off + Battery saver it lost around 6-7% while idle for 8 hours so I decided to allow auto sync for whatsapp.. nothing changed..
Thank you though!
(Not sure if I need to edit my post or ask here or anything.. Ill do both, let me know if i should delete this reply)
Is there a way to somehow make battery life longer by rooting the device? I haven't really tried to root any of my devices but I think I was told that you could improve performance by doing it..
EDITED- and if I need to delete it.. how? can't seem to find a way to do so
Welcome to the forums! Is your phone still within its warranty period? I would recommend seeing if you could get a replacement device, if battery-saving tips/factory reset do not solve the problem. Please keep us updated!
Can you post your battery stats?

Yes if you can post your stats that can help figure out if it's an app or something else that is eating up the battery. Charge your phone to 100% then around 40% then get the screen shots.
Welcome to the forums! Is your phone still within its warranty period? I would recommend seeing if you could get a replacement device, if battery-saving tips/factory reset do not solve the problem. Please keep us updated!

It is within its warranty period and I thought about replacing it, but I just wanted to check what I could do before messing with all that. I still have plenty of time so in case I really can't do anything Ill try it. It's the last option for me.

Yes if you can post your stats that can help figure out if it's an app or something else that is eating up the battery. Charge your phone to 100% then around 40% then get the screen shots.

Currently i'm trying to use the apps "Doze" and "Greenify". I think i'm able to see an improvement when the phone is idle (it said 0 mA in 40 minutes)
I'm trying to see how it goes and if it fails, I'll post my battery stats.

I will keep you updated as soon as I can
Thank you! :)
It is within its warranty period and I thought about replacing it, but I just wanted to check what I could do before messing with all that. I still have plenty of time so in case I really can't do anything Ill try it. It's the last option for me.

Currently i'm trying to use the apps "Doze" and "Greenify". I think i'm able to see an improvement when the phone is idle (it said 0 mA in 40 minutes)
I'm trying to see how it goes and if it fails, I'll post my battery stats.

I will keep you updated as soon as I can
Thank you! :)

I'm glad you're still within your warranty period so you have that as a last resort! :)
Hi! so I bought my LG V20 about a month ago and so far it was great, the only problem I have is with the battery..
It seems like for some reason, My phone's battery is extremely weak. Compared to my sister's V20, as she could listen to music with data on for a couple of hours and losing maybe 1% (for me with data off it would take about 5)
Compared to a friend's LG G5 which can stay unused with data off for 5-7 hours on 100% when for me, using airplane mode + Battery Saving (second screen disabled) and force-stopping every possible app, it will lose about 7-13% when unused for 8 hours.
I tried everything I found (cancel auto-sync, deleting cache, battery saving mode, adjust brightness) and nothing changed.
Tried to switch batteries aswell.. Removed the SD card, removed the battery and put it back only to find that restarting the phone reduced 7% of the battery, and then 4% more were lost during the 90 seconds it took me to reach a charger.. something here is really messed up..
only thing left to try is factory reset which I really don't want to do every single time my battery drains quickly because that means backing everything up which takes time..
I hope you could tell me what's wrong with my phone.
Thanks in advance! :)
EDITED- Is there a way to somehow make battery life longer by rooting the device? I haven't really tried to root any of my devices but I think I was told that you could improve performance by doing it..

Definitely something not right... Battery life can always be better but I get stellar performance and don't use any special settings
So I uploaded my battery stats (the ones I found) to an imgur album here Battery - Album on Imgur
It seems like it makes it through the day, but that was since I was extra EXTRA careful with it, tried to use it as less as possible and even when I did, I pretty much used only WhatsApp. also the battery lost on idle is about 1.5% for 2 hours, while using greenify+Doze, which is awful compared to the G5 "8 hours staying on 100%"
I wrote down the stages in which the phone was used and idle and calculated how fast the battery was used. if it's any help: 'Untitled Post' |
It did stay on 100% longer than I expected.. all downhill from there though..
EDIT- also it seems like there are small drops whenever it is idle.. sort of like turning the screen on will make a sudden drop of 1-2%.. I really don't know..
I'm confused. It seems that your are concerned about battery loss when you are not using the phone. What kind of performance are you getting during normal usage? If it is sitting unused for 8 hours in airplane mode, why not plug it in and charge?

It looks like you are at 42% after being off the charger 21hrs. That doesn't sound like awful battery performance. Why wouldn't you plug it in when you are not using it like while sleeping? Assuming you sleep at least 5 or 6 hours a night, you should never get below 70%. Sounds like plenty of battery for your usage pattern.

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