Any update on the AirDroid app hack leaks.

Only that AirDroid's team knew about the issue and how serious it was for 6-7 months and took no action to eliminate or mitigate the issues. There are now two issues, one is the ability to install malicious apps if the user has 3rd party apps installed and the other is the ability to easily access tons of data on the user's device because of the permissions that AirDroid gives itself (and the user agrees to, probably by never looking at any of them).
Oh well, that's scary. I had AirDroid on my phone too, but I had a VPN (PureVpn) installed as well, so I was safe on the network connections. Deleted AirDroid though.
It can also be infected. File sharing is extremely sensitive operation. Though I don't know of events related to Xender, but we must be careful. Unless we don't have anything important on our phone which is very less likely.

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