Any way on buying used if you can tell if its from Verizon or Google store phone?


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2011
Looking at buying used but when you start texting sellers start saying ah ya then its Google store phone.

For those that dont know Google updates come faster then Verizon.

is there something I can have the seller screen print that shows it was bought from Google store?
They come faster? Since when? I bought my phone on Verizon and the updates were typically same day released or next thus far.

I just switched to T-Mobile and it immediately provided an update I already had... Except now it's NMF26U. So somehow Google knows when you switch and updates change accordingly.
How would you know? I have had carrier Nexus phones and in the long run upgrades came a lot later. Some never came, plus the idea behind Google phones is to not have the extra bloatware. Verizon phones have 3 extra apps.

If it works for you then buy Verizon...
How would you know? I have had carrier Nexus phones and in the long run upgrades came a lot later. Some never came, plus the idea behind Google phones is to not have the extra bloatware. Verizon phones have 3 extra apps.

If it works for you then buy Verizon...
The 3 extra apps are installed from the play store. Not with the ROM iirc. That's why some report putting the Verizon sim in and seeing it download.
So if you put in a Tmobile sim those 3 apps will not download? and if they did and can be removed?
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So if you put in a Tmobile they dont download? and can be removed?

From what I have seen report yes -- And yes all 3 apps can be deleted fully (even if you stay using Verizon).
I'm on TMO and have a Pixel bloatware at all when using the TMO sim.

Yeah only Verizon apps install on the Pixel if using Verizon due to their agreement with Google. Unlike normal bloat they can be removed easily (just like you uninstall any other app).
Another way to tell what model you have when buying used is....Install CID Getter from the play store. It will display what model the phone is. Notice mine says the boot CID is VZW

Very cool thank you...we backed out of the deal they didnt have a receipt so didnt want to chance it on warranty work if no receipt so hoping Google Store come back in stock soon for blue!
So if you put in a Tmobile sim those 3 apps will not download? and if they did and can be removed?

Yup. That's exactly what I just did this past Friday. I have a Verizon purchased Pixel XL and I'm done with them.
Contact Google support through the device and give them the IMEI. They'll be able to tell you.
I saw a color screen change by ubreakifix but they did real sloppy work..


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