Any way to keep sview awake?

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2014
I bought this 50$ sview case from Samsung.. To my surprise it always go to sleep when it is closed.. Is there any way to keep that view always on?
Thanks guys..

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The case is supposed to sleep the phone when it's closed. You could modify it, but you'd have to cut into it. (There are either magnets or metal strips in the cover to let the phone know when the cover is closed - you have to remove them.)
@Rukbat.. what i actually thinking of is, i want my s view cover to show the time and notifications throught that window... what is the fun in having that window if it shows the blank screen all the time?

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I can confirm it works on a Verizon note. Installed it, opened it, set time to 0 (to keep on forever), enabled it, it put a permanent notification in the notificatuons. You do have to pull it down and hit start from the notification before it works.

I would worry though about screen burn in. Not sure how the new samoled phones do with it these days.

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Screen burn in??

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Amoled screens have a tendency to keep a ghosted image on screen if the same static image is there to long. The worst phone I remember for this was the galaxy nexus. The on screen buttons and the status bar could still be seen a little when they were not being displayed. Same thing happens to plasma and oled tv's.

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