PC-Mag article;
Google Pixel 6 Pro vs. Samsung Galaxy S21: Which One Wins At 5G?
Also includes some 4G LTE info....
This guy is not waiting anymore for google to release software updates to repair a problem when only thing available is speculation, hopes and dreams to the needed fix.
And the question is, will it be fixed; is it possible to be fixed via a software update or is it an internal problem with what appears to be an outdated modem? Not just this article, but others (including me) questioning the use of this modem vs. the more up to date X60; a modem used by almost (if not all) cell phones released in the USA; including Samsung the producer of the 5123 Exynos modem. That's a question for google engineers....why use the Exynos modem when Samsung does not even use it for release in the USA? (COSTS....)
The Tensor chip was designed around the architecture of the Exynos 2100 Samsung chip which used the 5123 modem was it impossible to use the X60 or did it save a lot of money? It does seem strange that google went with this 5123 modem being the first company to use it for the USA; when in fact the designer of this modem does not use it in the USA but only for overseas phones. For me, it all comes back to the fact non one used the Exynos 5123 modem in the USA; google is the first.
I'll either stick with my 4XL for a few months or if a good price comes along, grab a Samsung S21 Ultra with a proven in the USA Qualcomm X60 modem, as well as a more accurate, faster FPS and, if wanted, facial rec.
I'll be very curious as to see what the Pixel 7 has when it is released next year. However, hard to get a customer back after they leave; if they have a good experience with the new product.