Anyone bricked yet on Verizon?

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Verizon. 100% charge. So far so good... we'll see, though. fact is, VZW is smarter than I am, and eventually they'll find a way to shut it off... if it means enough to them to get the final stragglers... just trying to hold out a bit longer for the S8 or anything I like to come out, that's all... If they kill me first, I'll grab something cheap off eBay.
Nothing yet. I have Package Disabler, and have avoided the 60% hit, so I'm hoping it still works for this one.
I finally got tired of fighting it, and ordered a Pixel XL at a discount 3 weeks ago, to use until the next note comes out, but of course Verizon is backordered on that until 1-11, so if they disable me prior to shipping me a phone, I'll be very unhappy. As a Realtor, my business would die without my phone.
Still good here on VZW. Have an older version of package disabler pro installed. Never got hit with the 60% limit and no sign of an update yet. Still can charge to 100% with the green battery firmware.
Still good here. Still charges to 100%. Package Disabler as well as a firewall installed on mine. This morning the update showed up in the corner of my phone and my firewall denied access allowing me to go in and kill it.
Still going strong here on the east coast. Got everything blocked. I feel like I would've seen the upgrade by now if it was gonna happen.
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