Anyone get Nougat final on the Nexus 6 yet?


Well-known member
May 9, 2011
Been in the beta program for a while. Have seen some press indicating that the Nexus 6 hasn't gotten the final build yet.

Has anyone received it on the Nexus 6?
FWIW, I have it on my Pixel C and there doesn't seem to be anything noticeably different between DP5 and final but still... I want the ******* update.
i own a 6p, i am in the uk. why am i unable to get nougat? currently on marshmallow
i own a 6p, i am in the uk. why am i unable to get nougat? currently on marshmallow

If you're already in the Beta program and running N DP5 on your 6P, you should get the OTA soon. If you're not in the Beta program, you'll either need to flash the factory image whenever that is released or wait for your carrier to approve N for their network.
I have the Beta from the Preview 3.. I want the final version now ! Why don't release all at the same time ?
Nothing here yet, really thought I'd have it by now.

Has the factory image been released yet? Anybody know the correct build # for the N6?
At this point they're hanging our bacon out by leaving us to fend for ourselves at the July security patch level.

At least there isn't a historically large trio of vulnerabilities impacting millions of phones about which to worry. Oh wait...
Was using my N6 while waiting for a new 6P and got the final 7.0 update after enrolling in the beta program.

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