Anyone jumping off the Galaxy Nexus ship?

Cory Streater

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Sep 21, 2009
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Curious how many of you are making the switch, and why you are doing so?

For many, the big selling point of the Galaxy Nexus is the stock ICS Android experience it brings to the table. Can you handle Touchwiz? Does the bump in hardware specs influence your decision? Other reasons (like being dissapointed in stock ICS)?

Personally, I'm a phone junkie and just want it because I want it.


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Dec 28, 2011
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Curious how many of you are making the switch, and why you are doing so?

For many, the big selling point of the Galaxy Nexus is the stock ICS Android experience it brings to the table. Can you handle Touchwiz? Does the bump in hardware specs influence your decision? Other reasons (like being dissapointed in stock ICS)?

Personally, I'm a phone junkie and just want it because I want it.

I don't think, for me, the off contract price would represent an honest and significant upgrade over the GN.

That, combined with Touchwiz, a garish home button, the capacitative buttons, and the knowledge that it will probably be obsolete within a few months anyway means i'm staying put.

If I had a bit more "disposable" income, perhaps I would. But unlike the GSII, I just don't see it as a significant game-changer and I can't personally justify such an expenditure.


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Dec 9, 2008
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I'll be making the switch because I'm hopelessly addicted to phones and gadgets.

I had a SGS2 on Sprint before I made the switch to Verizon for the Galaxy Nexus. I was rather underwhelmed by the Nexus, as the SGS2 was so much snappier. In comparison, the GN just feels a little sluggish, and that annoys me. I've grown to really love the absence of physical buttons on the front of the GN, so I'm not thrilled about the physical buttons on the SGS3. However, the SGS3 is just hands down the better device, and, that's basically why I'm switching.


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Sep 15, 2010
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I'm thinking about it. I finally have a good working Nexus, so I hesitate to give it up. I am a phone junkie as well, so it will be hard to stay away. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from the Fascinate, but that was many phones (and a couple different OS's) ago.

I've always been a plain vanilla Android fan though, ever since the OG Droid. And I'm not sure about that Home button. But I do like the cool features, like being able to "float" playing video while I do other things on the phone.

@dmmarck, I always see what the ETF is on my lines, and I compare that to the EFT + subsidized cost. So if my ETF is 120.00 + 199.00 for the phone, that's 319.00. That's a little better then paying 600 - 650 for the phone. But going forward, I'll be paying off contract price because I want to keep my unlimited data.


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Dec 28, 2011
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I'm thinking about it. I finally have a good working Nexus, so I hesitate to give it up. I am a phone junkie as well, so it will be hard to stay away. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from the Fascinate, but that was many phones (and a couple different OS's) ago.

I've always been a plain vanilla Android fan though, ever since the OG Droid. And I'm not sure about that Home button. But I do like the cool features, like being able to "float" playing video while I do other things on the phone.

@dmmarck, I always see what the ETF is on my lines, and I compare that to the EFT + subsidized cost. So if my ETF is 120.00 + 199.00 for the phone, that's 319.00. That's a little better then paying 600 - 650 for the phone. But going forward, I'll be paying off contract price because I want to keep my unlimited data.

Same boat, but for me it's a matter of going off contract for 2 devices (GAH) or 1 device per year.


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Sep 13, 2011
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The only reason I did not get the s3 was because of touchwiz. Its downright ugly and just looks unprofessional compared to stock ICS. These skins ruin the stock experience completely in my opinion. HTC sense, touchwiz, all sucks.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2010
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The only reason I did not get the s3 was because of touchwiz. Its downright ugly and just looks unprofessional compared to stock ICS. These skins ruin the stock experience completely in my opinion. HTC sense, touchwiz, all sucks.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums

TouchWi has to be my least favorite. I don't mind the new Blur anymore. It runs great on my Maxx and has so nice features. I've never been a fan of Sense, but would take it over TW. The Nexus is my daily driver now though, and I think the stock ICS UI is great and would be my preference now.


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Feb 3, 2011
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I'll be moving on from the GN to the S3. I like ICS quite a bit but I've been pretty disappointed in the Sammy radios. I'm hoping they've made some changes in those because of the reaction with the GN. Also, I like my toys and my phone is one of my toys and I'm lucky enough to be able to buy new gadgets as they come along. I pass the old ones (like the GN) to my wife who doesn't really care what phone she owns. She just knows that whatever I have will be hers before too long.


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Dec 6, 2010
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I'm currently on the HTC One S, but still considering the G Nexus. The One S is a beautiful and fast device, but there's just something about the G Nexus. I'm loving the One S, so I'm still up in the air about the switch. The on-screen buttons are just plain awesome, not to mention Vanilla Android. HTC Sense has gotten A LOT better, though. :)


Retired Moderator
Dec 28, 2011
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I'm currently on the HTC One S, but still considering the G Nexus. The One S is a beautiful and fast device, but there's just something about the G Nexus. I'm loving the One S, so I'm still up in the air about the switch. The on-screen buttons are just plain awesome, not to mention Vanilla Android. HTC Sense has gotten A LOT better, though. :)

My absolute favorite part of the phone is its face/front. No buttons, just an LED, a speaker, that little camera and light sensor. That's it. Pure simplicity and elegance IMHO.


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Nov 7, 2011
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Not if it has the same signal and battery issues that the nexus had. I am going to wait and see and if Samsung did not figure out the radios then I will stay away. Love Samsung phones and this looks like an awesome phone( especially with how the nexus was released at kind of the end of the life cycle for the omap 4460) It fell victim to being overhyped and not living up to it. Stock ICS is not a big factor, because this will be rooted and stock ICS will be released for it in no time especially with each carriers being the same except for the radios. Plus it wasn't like the nexus on vzw was fast with updates like a nexus should be.


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Jun 4, 2012
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i just got the GN on sat cause i needed a phone Badly this one is a PO phone for $99 im thinking about trading it back for just a brand new one maybe they have better radios then this one since its build date is set back in Jan. but then im reading the GS3 will be here shortly. If i can get a GN that doesnt drop from 4g every 2 seconds or randomly for no reasons and leaves my phone dead for like 5 mins then ill keep it.


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Feb 10, 2010
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I'll have some funds at the end of the summer, so I may consider it... But at the same time, this is one hell of a phone and I'm loving it and the constant development.

Maybe a tablet would be a better investment. I really am wary of the whole "quad-core" idea, simply because I don't think there's a need for it at the moment (need proof? Snapdragon S4), but the camera might be nice. Maybe.

Ah, who am I kidding. I'm spoiled by the Nexus.

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