Anyone planning on getting the Nexus 5 ?


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2011
I sold my GS3 and have been holding off on a G2 or other possible phone purchase in anticipation of the N5, or at least an official announcement. At this point, I'm going out on a limb and assuming many of the leaked specs will be actual and almost certainly will pull the trigger on this phone when available. Anyone else excited about this device pairing nicely with their New Nexus 7 ? :D

I like my N4, but I'm really looking forward to getting back to LTE (AT&T doesn't support band 4 in my area, or I would have tried the LTE-hack long ago).
Yes, but some are even spreading rumors that it might not come and it could be the LG G2...
Yes, but some are even spreading rumors that it might not come and it could be the LG G2...

Why would it not come? There are leaked pictures and FCC documents that show a LG made Nexus phone.

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Why would it not come? There are leaked pictures and FCC documents that show a LG made Nexus phone.

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I even heard that in the podcasts.

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Don't get me wrong, I want it to come, I'm just saying what I know.
I even heard that in the podcasts.

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Don't get me wrong, I want it to come, I'm just saying what I know.

Which podcasts were these? The Nexus 4/5 (whatever it's called) will come.

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What I have have read says the Nexus 5 will be based on the LG2. Here is a one youtube video that sums up the rumors. LG G2 Review! - YouTube

I would not be surprised to the see the buttons move, the look change to be more black slab, and of course completely stock 4.4 kitkat instead of the LG skins.
I even heard that in the podcasts.

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Don't get me wrong, I want it to come, I'm just saying what I know.

No one "knows" anything. You're just saying what you've heard.

Now to answer the OP, most definitely probably going to be getting it when/if it comes out.

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How long before the original nexus 4 was sold out?

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Wasn't it the first day?

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But if we're waiting since they put it online, we'll have the opportunity to get it for sure eh? Also, how long until first units shipped?

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It won't be on Verizon so a lot of people won't have the option. I got the wife an N4 while on sale and a new N7 so I'll get plenty of stock Android. I just got a G2 and got to keep my unlimited and have no regrets on missing out on N5.

My Galaxy Nexus has served me well but the G2 is an amazing phone. With the verizon promo code I spent $169 where I was expecting to pay $600 in a year from now.
Tough when the N4 is so good. I upgraded N7 from 2012 to 2013 and am disappointed. Maybe N5 would be the same

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I'd like to get one but I am trapped with my current phone. It's not a good phone, but the plan is dirt cheap and they let me get away with tethering my N7.
I'd like to get one but I am trapped with my current phone. It's not a good phone, but the plan is dirt cheap and they let me get away with tethering my N7.
Buy it unlocked then. The Nexus 5 should be priced aggressively. Maybe not as cheap as the 4 was, but still affordable. Just swap the sim and your carrier is none the wiser.
I'm on Virgin Mobile. No SIM cards, no foreign phones allowed... but I am grandfathered in at $25. Hard to leave. T-mo prepaid may only be $30/mo but they aggressively shut down tethering unless you buy the add-on--or so I hear.
Although I am excited for the Nexus 5. I am slightly more intrigued by the Galaxy S4 Play Store Edition. I look forward to maybe getting a future release a Play Store Edition phone when a new set of flagship phones come out. The only thing holding me back is the cost of these developer phones.

The Nexus 5 sounds great, don't get me wrong but these two play edition phones look great if only cheaper.

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