Anyone switch from iPhone 5/5S to Nexus 5? Any regrets?


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Apr 6, 2011
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Thinking about picking up a Nexus 5 ... Currently have the iPhone 5s (Love it) however as some of us share the same gadget addiction I am drooling to get my hands on a Nexus 5. Found a straight trade for my iPhone 5s to Nexus 5 (NIB) ... Just a little on the fence. I am heavily invested in both ecosystems so that wouldn't be a factor. Anyone here prefer their Nexus 5 to their iPhone 5/5s?


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Mar 8, 2010
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I sold my iPhone 5S to use the Nexus 5 till the 6 came out but now I'm finding myself really missing my iPhone 5S and hating Android. Really wanting to trade my Nexus for a 5S now :(

Carried by a raven from the wall.


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Oct 2, 2011
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Thinking about picking up a Nexus 5 ... Currently have the iPhone 5s (Love it) however as some of us share the same gadget addiction I am drooling to get my hands on a Nexus 5. Found a straight trade for my iPhone 5s to Nexus 5 (NIB) ... Just a little on the fence. I am heavily invested in both ecosystems so that wouldn't be a factor. Anyone here prefer their Nexus 5 to their iPhone 5/5s?

If you can afford it I would recommend holding on to your current device, and actually purchasing the N5 for a test run of about a week via best buy. Personally, i love my N5 and i find the current Android OS clean, elegant, and user friendly in much the same way Apple's OS is famous for (fwiw I bought and used every iPhone from the original to the 4S, then jumped ship with the release of the N4). But the iOS-to- Android transition isn't for everyone. And there's no sense in making the situation irreversible if you can avoid it. Worst case scenario is a small restocking fee if you bring it back. Plus, i used to get pretty good resale value on my used iPhones. I think you might be better off selling via eBay or criagslist rather than trading it; as much as I enjoy my Nexus, that seems like an exchange that leaves you on the short end of the stick in terms of dollar value.

Posted from my N5 via the Android Central App


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Nov 3, 2013
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I upgraded from the iPhone 5 and could not be happier. The phone is bigger which I like (not everyones cup of tea), more customizable in the ways I like (notifications, widgets, etc), among a few other small reasons. I can tell you the camera is not as good, and battery life is a bit worse than the iPhone. Part of the battery issue is me using it a lot and getting my settings all on the right track, but overall the iPhone was better on battery and taking pictures. In the end I guess it really depends on what you want/need it for and if you can spend the extra cash (I sold my iPhone for as much as I paid for the Nexus so no money loss)!


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Nov 4, 2013
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I just switched from the iPhone 5 to the Nexus 5 last Friday and I am still trying to figure things out on the Android front. I really like the larger screen and that is the main reason why I switched. I may switch back to iPhone 6 if they do a bigger screen but if Google does something even better with the next Nexus, I might just stay :)

Somethings were easier to do on iOS but that could be my learning curve on the Android. My biggest complaint so far is how apps look on my Nexus. Some look great where as others look blurry due to the scaling. Ever App that I used on the iPhone was designed for the screen/resolution so it looked great. Even some App icons look blurry and that takes away the experience for me. However, I have been searching for highly recommended Apps and those have been quite good. I am also having some difficulty switching from iCloud since all of my contacts, calendars, notes etc. are on it and switching over has been time consuming.

However, Android has lots of its own strengths I really like that. I love all the ways I can customize it and tweak it. I like the notification LED which I missed from my BlackBerry days. Overall, I am really glad that I am trying out the Nexus 5 and I plan to give the iPhone 5 to one of my daughters for Christmas.


Nov 3, 2013
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Here's my two cents as a newbie to android with the Nexus 5...

I switched from an iphone 5 to a Nexus 5 and couldn't be happier. I kept my i5 around as a safety net in case I didn't like the N5 but the i5 is now for sale since I'm loving the Nexus. I've owned an iphone, iphone 3G, iphone 4 and iphone 5 and never once has any android lured me over to the dark side since becoming part of the isheep flock all those years ago. The Moto X almost got me but it took the 5" screen, crazy off contract price and other specs of the N5 along with the fact that it runs pure android and the latest revision of it to get me to actually buy one. If apple puts a 5" screen on the i6 I may go back but if google steps up on the N6 (or whatever it will be called) and keeps evolving (which odds are they will of course) I'll stick with Nexus phones. The odds of me owning any android that isn't running pure android or close to it like the moto x So it's either pure android or ios for me, none of the skinned, bloated crap.

It was an easy transition for me since I use gmail, google calendar, my contacts are in google and I also use google drive so the only trick was my music in itunes but that was easy since all my music is now DRM free thanks to itunes match so I just dragged and dropped the folders onto the N5 and was good to go. The rest got uploaded to googles music cloud (since it's free for 20K songs) and it was a painless transition. I only lost one app I used often but I still have it on my ipad air so it's all good.

The only slight negative for me is the 32gb max storage, I came from a 64gb iphone so I had to trim my music quite a bit but that was no big deal really.

As for the transition to a new OS from years of iOS, that was no problem since it's pure android and not a convoluted skinned mess like other android phones out there that you couldn't pay me to use. Hardware wise I still reach for the power at the top and a home button on the bottom center to wake it up now and again haha, but as the days go on that gets less and less and I'm 95% used to it now and loving the big screen.
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Apr 6, 2011
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Thanks for all the feedback. I love my 5s just really wish it had a bigger screen. I think I am going to give the Nexus 5 a try.


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Feb 12, 2013
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I currently have a 5s, and I'm basically in the same position as you. I have really liked my whole iPhone experience up until now.

After having tried out a nexus 4 and lumia 920 in the past year I really just want a larger screen than the iPhone offers and I was so disappointed when that the 5s was going to be 4". However I thought that with touch ID and the new camera features (slo mo especially) that it would be enough to keep me happy and for the first week or so it really was. Then I started having issues where touch ID doesn't like to work all the time and I am probably at barely a 75% success rate with it currently. I have also been having crash and respiring issues that I never had with my 5.

This is pushing me to look at the nexus 5, I mostly enjoyed my nexus 4 experience (except battery life and the glass back, man that thing would slide off anything) and now with the 5" IPS display and a polycarb back I am thinking it is a good time to just go for it. Which brings me to my final thing about your dilemma whatever you do, don't do a straight trade unless you have a 16gb and your time isn't worth the 100 or so dollars you could pocket by selling yourself and buying the nexus. I have a 32gb 5s and I plan on selling it for as close to $650 as I can get and then buying the 32gb Nexus 5.


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Oct 1, 2013
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I've owned every iPhone there's been and I've owned and still do a ton of android phones (will have the nexus 5 in my hands soon!) I will keep the nexus 5 because of the prompt updates and it has cross carrier ( more or less) lte support! In a few months ANY phone I've had needed an extended battery so battery life isn't a factor in my decision and neither is the camera issues as some can be (or has been. Ty xda!) with a software update. Things always worked out for the best when I didn't have to factor in the One max as I won't be getting it. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sep 10, 2010
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Getting ready to upgrade here and I'm going from a iPhone 4S to the Nexus 5 iOS 7 is the main reason I'm done with the iPhone

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy


May 3, 2010
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I am really surprised to see the main reason many in this thread switched to Android was because of a larger screen. Looks like Apple is really shooting itself in the foot by not offering a larger display.


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Oct 2, 2011
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I am really surprised to see the main reason many in this thread switched to Android was because of a larger screen. Looks like Apple is really shooting itself in the foot by not offering a larger display.

If Apple's business model--with its still-rising iPhone sales despite not presenting anything revolutionary lately--is an example of shooting oneself in the foot, does anybody have a Sig Sauer I can borrow?

Posted from my N5 via the Android Central App
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ring o fire

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Jul 4, 2012
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I switched from an iPhone 5. I have no regrets. Are things different? Sure, but things are mostly better or the same. I'm digging the screen and the swiftness of the N5. I also use a lot of googles services so it makes things a lit easier for me. I'm enjoying the N5 much more than when I had the galaxy s3. I'm digging it.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using AC Forums mobile app


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May 10, 2013
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Even if I disregarded all of the usually benefits of having an Android device over an iOS device and looked at the two devices just from a performance standpoint, I would choose the Nexus 5. It is faster and smoother than my iPhone 5S. I am surprised to say that for the first time, I believe that the iPhone 5S with iOS 7 has about the same amount of features as stock Android. But the N5 is a better phone in just about every regard. What makes this comparison even more shocking is that the N5 is almost half the price.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


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Nov 9, 2013
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...i used to get pretty good resale value on my used iPhones. I think you might be better off selling via eBay or criagslist rather than trading it

I've got my iPhone 4 (purchased in Nov 2010) for sale on ebay right now; already has 2 bids + 2 people watching it. They can sell up to $130.00ish. That is 1/3 of the price of my N5 from a 3 year old device so I consider it worth the effort to eBay it.

If you like the N5 more than your iPhone5s I highly recommend eBaying it cause you could probably get your N5 paid for + a little bit more. Remember Apple is expensive gear, even on contract, so some folks may just buy it outright which then allows you to buy your N5 outright and take the wife out to dinner.


Nov 12, 2013
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I made the switch from an iPhone 5 to the Nexus 5 and I have no regrets at all. There is a learning curve, but if you're tech savvy enough to be on this forum then you probably won't have many issues. In comparison to iPhone...

Pro's: bigger screen, document management, better battery (granted my iPhone was a year old and the battery had taken a nose dive), Google syncing

Con's: iMessage, Apple integration (I own an iMac and iPad), longer charging time, some apps I used frequently on iOS are not on Android


Jan 16, 2010
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I have an iPhone 5s and recently got the Nexus 5. I have AT&T so it makes it easy to just switch the sim between devices with an adapter. I am deeply tied into the Apple eco system, with multiple Mac's, iPads, etc. All my family and friends are also all Apple people. So far I am really liking the Nexus 5. I love the screen size and it is such a smooth phone. I haven't had any problems in my first week. The battery life is always what scares me away from Android, but amazingly so far the battery life is better then I was getting with my 5s, so I am happy. I would say the biggest thing I miss so far from the iOS side is iMessage. It has been hard to give that up! I have been missing a lot of texts because people are still trying to use iMessage. I have tried to make sure iMessage is deactivated on all devices and unregistered my iPhone, but I know I am still missing texts..hopefully that problem will go away soon. I plan on keeping my iPhone for awhile to make sure I don't miss it to much.


Nov 12, 2013
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I have an iPhone 5s and recently got the Nexus 5. I have AT&T so it makes it easy to just switch the sim between devices with an adapter. I am deeply tied into the Apple eco system, with multiple Mac's, iPads, etc. All my family and friends are also all Apple people. So far I am really liking the Nexus 5. I love the screen size and it is such a smooth phone. I haven't had any problems in my first week. The battery life is always what scares me away from Android, but amazingly so far the battery life is better then I was getting with my 5s, so I am happy. I would say the biggest thing I miss so far from the iOS side is iMessage. It has been hard to give that up! I have been missing a lot of texts because people are still trying to use iMessage. I have tried to make sure iMessage is deactivated on all devices and unregistered my iPhone, but I know I am still missing texts..hopefully that problem will go away soon. I plan on keeping my iPhone for awhile to make sure I don't miss it to much.

I had the same issue with iMessage and missing texts so I called Apple. You can go online and unregister your iPhone from your account. That seems to have solved my problem.

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