Apex 1.4.0 Issues


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
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The biggest issue I am having is 2 or 3 system force closes a day. The worst happened this morning when I woke up late for work due to my phone force closing, thus no alarm.

The gallery takes forever and a day to load (I don't have that many photos) and the camera takes forever and two days to launch.

The phone constantly locks and unlocks itself. I'd say about 6 or 7 times and hour. The way I know it's doing it is because I have the lock sound on, so i actually hear it locking and immediately unlocking itself.

I've been using Apex since 1.3 and I haven't added any new apps since then. I didn't have so many problems on 1.3, just the odd system force close. Is there anything I can do to correct these issues? Because I honestly do not trust my phone at this point anymore.

I've obviously done battery pulls as well.


Feb 19, 2010
Never have those issues. I would wipe your phone cache and data and do a fresh install. If that doesn't help I font know what will. I use the moto gallery cause the stock one is very slow.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2010
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i use the aosp gallery frequently (in 1.3.1) and don't have a problem with the speed at all, although it was much slower before synchronizing completely with my picasa web albums. is 1.4.1 worse than 1.3.1?

my (moto) camera app has always come up with about the same (impressive) slowness, stock or with 1.3.1. is it even worse with 1.4.1?


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2010
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i have no problems with the camera or the gallery on any rom.
with liberty, my camera was a little slower and the pics not as good..

I suggest if you are having that many issues, SBF and re-install.
couldn't hurt to backup your SD card and reformat that as well..
give your self a fresh start and see how it goes.