App sleep/notifications question


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2010
So, if I sit my phone down for a while and not touch it, i'm guessing the phone puts all of my apps to sleep or something because it'll be a while before I get any notifications. Then, at some point or when I pick the phone up, I get a flood of notifications from apps, some that are like an hour old. Is this a battery management thing? And if so, how do I turn this OFF? It's a big deal for me because my email is connected to our enterprise server to be able to get emails and this is a major issue for me. I didn't have this problem on the note 8.
:cool: First Do a complete check that. All your Push notifications setup
are correct : Rigntone - Led Indicator- Notifications reminder are
all On : Read a thread on Sprint network forum, that recently

Security updates has created bugs on Note 8's a temporary
solution provided is to Disable the - Data Saver- option
while get more replies, switch this setting off-On restart Phn
So, if I sit my phone down for a while and not touch it, i'm guessing the phone puts all of my apps to sleep or something because it'll be a while before I get any notifications. Then, at some point or when I pick the phone up, I get a flood of notifications from apps, some that are like an hour old. Is this a battery management thing? And if so, how do I turn this OFF? It's a big deal for me because my email is connected to our enterprise server to be able to get emails and this is a major issue for me. I didn't have this problem on the note 8.
It seems like that I have noticed this as well. But perhaps hadn't realized it. I'll keep an eye out for it and post back my findings
I did a google search and it seems that a LOT of people are having this problem. I bet most don't even notice it.
My delays are mostly with messages /sms and FB. My email is manual push. But 1 hr plus delay in morning texts are ridiculous. And 5 to 15 min delay with FB
Geesh man. I've tried all of the side fixes suggested online and none of them seem to work. I woke up this morning, pick my phone up and hit the fingerprint reader. The second that I did, I kid you not I had like 20 alerts come through at once. Facebook, ESPN, google, etc. This is ridiculous.

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