Application removal under Android


Jul 27, 2013
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just received a new Nexus 7 (2013 version) and since i'm new to the Android world i'm interested in how robust the cleanup is when you install and then remove an application. i know in the Windows world, depending on the robustness of the installer (or lack thereof) all sorts of crap could be left on the PC (e.g. leftover files, registry entries, etc.) after uninstalling an application.

i'd like to install different variations of some free apps to see which one i prefer and was just wondering if all of this installing/removing is going to leave remnants of the software behind. or is there something in the Android OS that provides a complete cleanup when an app is removed?

on a side note can someone recommend a good "data vault" app. i'm not looking for a password manager but an app were one can install credit card info, drivers license info, drug prescription info, etc. basically the app would have predefined templates for a lot of categories and maybe allow you to define your own. this is different from your normal password manager app (where the data is constant, i.e. user id, password, URL, notes, etc.)) since the actual data varies based on the category.



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May 21, 2011
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Android generally does not have the number of uninstall issues that Windows has, but once in a while some app will leave something behind. I use an app called Clean Master, but there are others that do the same thing.