Aug 11th "Official" Release Date?

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Jul 5, 2010
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Not exactly sure why they would lie, but no offense to you either, but your post isn't very credible either. Sure you posted a picture of the Epic (which who knows if that was really your picture), but you also said Sprint would announce the 21st as a release date the same day you posted that picture...well, guess what hasn't happened?

What I was told by Sprint employees (not customer care/sales/retentions) is to expect launch on 8/21 is greater than anyone's credibility on these forums, other than the AC staff perhaps. I am going by what I heard Sprint (very) higherups in my region telling me. These guys are normally on top of their game, but as I said before, this wouldn't be the first time they were wrong.

Just know, I am not some random store rep or store manager. While I don't make the calls on when to launch the phone I work closely with people who work for people that make those decisions. But I'm not going to post my paystubs to gain credibility.

And people lie for internet credibility... sad world we live in.
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Retired Moderator
Jul 11, 2010
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Dang it, Heather, give us some release date info. We don't want your comparison! :mad: I'll be getting my Sennheiser HD 800s before the Epic, which really is a shame.


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May 13, 2010
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Last time I checked - this is a FORUM. That means discussion, opinion, speculation. Who cares if someone is here posting speculation that has a strong possibility of fact or NOT? Until it's from Sprint- it's speculation- leave it at that and move on.

I'm thankful of Powerman's glimmer of hope- because to be completely frank- without which I really would be preordering a Droid 2 this week.

I'm frankly PISSED OFF at my past 2 months of sprint after years of being a happy customer. TERRIBLE customer service calls, they lost my mom as a new client after mishandling her EVO issues in less than 30 days, I had multiple promises of a refurb Pre and yet rejected by the store when the refurb was delivered (long story)... they lost my dad and stepmom after repeated coverage issues reported for over a year... Sprint has completely flushed any credibility with me and my family- and yet- ONLY due to their aggressive pricing and any mobile to mobile and the announced EPIC am I hanging on. *(if Epic doesn't cut it- we're gone the last 2 out of 5 members of my immediate family they did have as customers since June.)

You better believe I want to hear SOMETHING ANYTHING somewhat believable - but yes, I'm taking it with a grain of salt because this is a FORUM.

If Sprint is losing this bad with me- and considering all the broken phone people hanging on in this subforum alone, Sprint better get vocal real quick and announce a date- because the competition is beating on their door.

If I could write a deck on how NOT to do a marketing campaign- I could look at sprint's phone launches for the past year in a half. (Pre, and Epic being some of the worst)


Retired Moderator
Jul 11, 2010
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Last time I checked - this is a FORUM. That means discussion, opinion, speculation. Who cares if someone is here posting speculation that has a strong possibility of fact or NOT? Until it's from Sprint- it's speculation- leave it at that and move on.

I'm thankful of Powerman's glimmer of hope- because to be completely frank- without which I really would be preordering a Droid 2 this week.

I'm frankly PISSED OFF at my past 2 months of sprint after years of being a happy customer. TERRIBLE customer service calls, they lost my mom as a new client after mishandling her EVO issues in less than 30 days, I had multiple promises of a refurb Pre and yet rejected by the store when the refurb was delivered (long story)... they lost my dad and stepmom after repeated coverage issues reported for over a year... Sprint has completely flushed any credibility with me and my family- and yet- ONLY due to their aggressive pricing and any mobile to mobile and the announced EPIC am I hanging on. *(if Epic doesn't cut it- we're gone the last 2 out of 5 members of my immediate family they did have as customers since June.)

You better believe I want to hear SOMETHING ANYTHING somewhat believable - but yes, I'm taking it with a grain of salt because this is a FORUM.

If Sprint is losing this bad with me- and considering all the broken phone people hanging on in this subforum alone, Sprint better get vocal real quick and announce a date- because the competition is beating on their door.

If I could write a deck on how NOT to do a marketing campaign- I could look at sprint's phone launches for the past year in a half. (Pre, and Epic being some of the worst)

Amen brotha! Good rant. I'm ticked as well and would switch to Verizon, but that's not an option as I don't have the cash for that.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2010
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the release of a phone is generally a month AFTER an advocate is chosen?
There is no generally. Advocates have sometimes gotten their phone over a week after some devices have been launched. It is usually before but not always and never has been a specific amount of time, indeed in my experince the most common would be days to a week.

Darth Pooh#CB

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Oct 22, 2009
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Btw... An advocate can be chosen by the manager at anytime for a phone. So advocates for the Evo were named in the store because they were probably liked by their managers when the phone was announced, when they go for training / get their units is a whole different game.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
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i don't remember a situation where the advocate got the phone after launch. that definitely defeats the purpose, which is to learn the phone and help educate your fellow employees. which phone was released to the advocates after launch?

for the earlier post that i was quoted in, I was just using the timeline of the EVO launch, which was about 2 weeks from the advocates receiving the phones until the launch day. though, that definitely doesn't mean the same will apply for the Epic.

again, my fingers are crossed that, since the playbook was delayed until the morning, there will be an announcement tomorrow...


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Jul 2, 2010
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I'm still holding out that it will be released today.

Edit: oh, wow, that was a pretty big "reading the front page FAIL" on my part. Thats what I get for studying instead of refreshing AC for Epic rumors all day.


Retired Moderator
Jul 11, 2010
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I'm guessing powrman's people made a typo. There weren't any rumors of 8/21 before, but there were for 8/20. What happened to the 8/20 date? I honestly have no idea. 8/21? Probably 8/31 aka OFFICIAL DATE.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2010
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i don't remember a situation where the advocate got the phone after launch. that definitely defeats the purpose, which is to learn the phone and help educate your fellow employees. which phone was released to the advocates after launch?
800w for sure. There have been quite a few, maybe 1/4. Some phone s get no advocate


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2010
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Like I said all along... my guys are USUALLY right... or maybe they made a typo and meant 31 lmao
Many phones, especially phone especially aimed at business have a soft launch and are available one week ahead via business or brightpoint.
I used to have pal at brightpoiint and they got and often presold sprint handsets one week or more before stores.

There is also no right or wrong since dates can be moving at the last minute due to available of stock
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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
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wow . They also priced it at 250 after rebate. thats abit pricey . With all the phones out there all being priced at 199 with contract.i I understand it has the keyboard buti can see people waiting do to the price . I hope it's not like the palm where after a month it dropped 50 bucks.:mad:
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