Autocorrect won't come on


Aug 25, 2016
I cleared the apps' cache this morning to free up some memory, and deleted a few apps. Now my auto correct will not function.

I've gone into the settings and it is turned on. Auto capitalize is on, all of that, but it does nothing.

Any ideas how I can restore its function?
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Which apps did you delete? Were any of them system or preinstalled apps?
I don't remember. Lol. But no I don't think so.

It also performed a few updates right afterward. It seems the Google "gboard" keyboard updated and isn't working in that aspect now. I've switched to an "English and indic" keyboard and set it up and it's working well. I liked the Google keyboard a little better though. I don't think it will even let me delete any system apps. Are there any particular apps I need to look for and make sure they are in place?
If you're not rooted, you wouldn't have been able to delete anything important. But it is possible to Disable an app that might be important, so go to Settings>Apps and look to see if you disabled any apps.
It had something to do with the "Gboard" update. It updated again and all is well. With me not having changed anything. I've gone back to that keyboard, and autocorrect is working fine. Odd