Back to S21 Ultra?


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Aug 14, 2013
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Not quite sure of the reason for this post - maybe it's a brain fart, lol. Or call it therapy! Ha ha ha

I bought an S21 Ultra and Galaxy Watch4 yesterday. Trying to work out if I keep it or have made the right decision.

Little background: I was an Android fanboy for years.. from the first Galaxy S through the Galaxy S5. I had the Nexuses all the way to the 7 - my fave was the first one! And I loved the Nexus Seven tablet.. I used to love putting the betas on my phone and trying to work out which build was best (Jelly Bean was a particular obsession!).

I went back to the iPhone from the 5/5S and then have spent each iteration of the Galaxy wishing I had one, buying them, returning them.. watching from the sidelines with envy but unable to break the habit. I bought the S20 Ultra last year but returned it for the S20+ due to the weight.. and then I lost my job (thanks COVID) so returned it because it seemed too extravagant a purchase.

Earlier this year, I bought the S21 Ultra and loved it. I sent it back with a very heavy heart because the one let down for me was the Galaxy Watch. I am very into my fitness and I also have a few key apps that I use and the Apple Watch is second to none when it comes to them. The GW seemed to have some issues with HR tracking accuracy but Tizen just wasn't able to compete with those apps.. and the Fitbit Versa/TicWatch seemed to fall short too.

So, I went back to my iPhone 12 Pro and then this year, I upgraded to the iPhone 13 Pro Max. Loved the big screen. Hated the one handed usability. WAY too big and heavy and uncomfortable to hold. Changed it out for the regular 13 Pro which is a lovely little phone.

Then I made the mistake of watching some YouTube videos on the treadmill the other day and comparison videos between the 13 Pro Max and the S21 Ultra. Not sure quite what happened but found myself yesterday in the Samsung Experience Store here in Los Angeles and walking out with an S21 Ultra and a GW4!!

I LOVE having the big screen (although I do feel scared to take it outside in case I scratch it and then can't 14 day it, so I'm just using it on my couch, lol. If keeping it, I'll get a Whitestone Dome but that's a big expense until I'm sure.) And I think the screen still blows the 13 out of the water. Going from that to me 13 Pro feels like going backwards.

But something is still niggling me. And I don't know what it is: It could be that I bought it knowing the S22 is around the corner. It could be the cost (chip shortage means the only model available here is the 512GB so I had to get that and with CA sales tax and the watch, i spent a small fortune, even though Affirm made it a little more palatable.) I would always be able to trade it in come the launch of the S22 so it's not the end of the world, but it's on my mind.

Or it could be the app situation.
Some of the apps I use regularly ARE on Android (Videoleap and and Lightleap by Lightleak, Fitbod, Waterminder) but they're just a little.. (ducks for cover) like the "poor relation" versions.

I've also seen a lot of folks talking about how the camera is nowhere near as good in low light and night mode as the 13 Pro. The camera on the iPhone is remarkable.. so I'd be interested in others' findings.

Also, an issue is the lack of dual sim ability here in the US. I'm British in America and I use my Tmobile SIM in the iPhone with a Vodafone UK esim. It means I can use my primary number here but still receive texts from the UK number which are essential for things like receiving two factor authentication for various banks and tax services I need.

I do LOVE the customizability on Android - always have - and the phone is beautifully designed. I think it's nicer looking than the iP13P. And that screen is to die or. Things like iMessage don't bother me as I primarily use WhatsApp. I think iMessage is really shoddy and basic. Facetime is better quality than WA video call but I do still have an iPad anyway. Lack of airdrop is a minus, but there are ways around it - and the Crono app for notifications being synced to my Mac is fabulous.

What are your thoughts? I realise it's a first world problem and you can't really go wrong with either. But would just be interested to hear others' perspectives.


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Oct 1, 2021
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If a polished ecosystem with a “one brand fits all” approach suits you then it’s hard to beat Apple. The Apple Watch is also hard to beat because the watch business is profitable for Apple, so Apple reinvests in it. Another thing Apple did right with the watch is keep it so that even the OG watch bands fit the Series 7.

The reviews that I have read on Samsung’s Galaxy Watch 4 is that it’s as good as it gets on Android, but still leaves something to be desired. If I were to get an Android wearable for fitness, I’d probably look into Fitbit’s stable of products as well.

I foresee an interesting time coming up for Samsung because of how confident Google is in Tensor and the Pixel series and also because Apple is just hitting 3 ball after 3 ball right now. That being said, both the iPhone 13 Pro and the Galaxy S21 Ultra are great devices and all of this is really starting to be less about singular pieces of hardware and more about ecosystems and experiences.

I hope this helps you buddy. Have a good one.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2020
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I don’t think you’ve had the phone long enough to make a decision but from reading your post how are you going to resolve the dual sim Bc it sounds like an important step for you …I think everything else you would be fine using the Galaxy phone and be happy with your choice …

Joshua Luther2

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2014
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You have to really examine what your needs are. At the same time, the S21 Ultra has one of the best screens out there. The watch game isn't very strong on Android. I only have a Ticwatch Pro from 2020. It's pretty slow and unusable. I've heard that the newer Ticwatches are pretty solid devices though. For fitness, I would look into Fitbit or Garmin watches. But no matter what, the Apple watch will always eek out the competition on Android. Communication between Apple devices can't really be beaten. I have no desire to buy into that ecosystem as it's personally not for me.

I feel like apple devices are tools for getting stuff done effectively and efficiently, whereas Android phones are more for having fun while still getting the job done. I personally like to enjoy using my phone and personalizing it, but if I needed it for running, say an online business, there's no doubt that I'd be using Apple devices.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2009
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I tried the 13 pro for a week or so but ended back with my s215g. I may get the 13 mini next week but for now sticking with my s21 much easier to use IMHO.


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Oct 1, 2021
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When you say easier to use are you talking about ergonomics? I have a 12 Pro Max and an S21 Ultra and the Ultra is definitely easier to hold than the Pro Max. At the same time Apple was able to jam pack the regular 13 Pro with all of the features of the 13 Pro Max, so I would think that smaller footprint would be easier to hold as well. I’m still considering trading this Max in on that smaller 13 Pro because the 11 Pro was such a perfectly sized phone for me. The size to feature ratio is *chefs kiss*.

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