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Evan Mckee

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Mar 25, 2014
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I just got a replacement gs3 and went ahead with rooting it and put Cyanogenmod on it.
I activated it when I got it and then put CM on it, but apparently it failed to fully activate. (It was just data, but not cell (it has my number wrong along with the PRL)) I was to impatient, and stupid, and didn't do all the reading and checking that I should have before proceeding, and it's come back to bite me in the ****.

I have spent a couple of hours reading forums, but am not entirely sure of what my best way forwards is.

I believe that I need to put a version of the 'factory' ROM on it to be able to finish the activating of it and was wondering if I could get someone, who is smarter than me, to give me their opinion on how best to do this, and if I need to.

If this is indeed my best way forwards, do any of you have any suggestions on which ROM I should use?

If not any help would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time,
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Evan Mckee

New member
Mar 25, 2014
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Thank you, and having only used roms on older devices (with not nearly as good of security) I just want to clarify. Do I just use CWM on my phone to flash it, or do I need to use Odin?

Nevermind, I spent five seconds, followed your link and actually read the instructions (crazy I know) and I understand it now.

Thank you for your time once again.
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