Backing Up?


Well-known member
May 17, 2013
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so after a couple of months with my Unlocked One I think I want to do a factory reset and start from scratch again, now that I have a good handle with Android. There doesnt seem to be a go to place for backing up your Android. That I know of anyways. With my iPhone it was as simple as syncing, with my WindowsPhone I was up a creek because there isnt any real sync option. I have HTC Sync Manager for my Mac but as far as I can tell it just does music and photos which are all backed up on Skydrive and DropBox so that doesnt matter much. What concerns me the most is games. I spent a good amount of money getting my games back up to par with iOS, which means alot of in app purchases and I dont want to lose any of that again. What are my options?

Scott Kenyon

Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
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Helium is a good so backup utility. If you pay for it, it'll back up to Drive. Else I'd say make a nand.

Sent from my HTC One using Mobile Nations mobile app


Trusted Member Team Leader
Dec 4, 2012
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so after a couple of months with my Unlocked One I think I want to do a factory reset and start from scratch again, now that I have a good handle with Android. There doesnt seem to be a go to place for backing up your Android. That I know of anyways. With my iPhone it was as simple as syncing, with my WindowsPhone I was up a creek because there isnt any real sync option. I have HTC Sync Manager for my Mac but as far as I can tell it just does music and photos which are all backed up on Skydrive and DropBox so that doesnt matter much. What concerns me the most is games. I spent a good amount of money getting my games back up to par with iOS, which means alot of in app purchases and I dont want to lose any of that again. What are my options?

Your best bet would be to root your device and get either Helium or Titanium.


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May 8, 2010
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If you're willing to have the Android SDK and to play with commands, you can use adb to backup your phone - settings, apps, apps' data, media content, etc:

I think that that's the method Helium uses, however, with a slightly more friendly interface.

So that's two options to try.


Well-known member
May 17, 2013
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thanks for the suggestions. I'll give Helium a try, you can backup to Dropbox which is nice. To restore it back to your phone I guess you have to pay 4.99 but it might be worth it. I just wonder why there isnt a universal way to simply backup/sync your android phone.