Yesterday my battery died while playing a podcast (common occurrence around here).
After I connected the phone to a wall charger (not computer) the phone restarted as if it was a complete factory reset.
ALL of my apps disappeared, ALL settings were gone, it was as if someone had replaced my phone with a new one (except dirty like my old one).
The SD card saved my pictures so it was not like a total loss.
Gmail saved all of my contacts. The Fun Store logged most of my apps so at least I can download each one (one at a time).
The questions are:
Is there any way to reset my phone back to my previous settings?
How could this have happened???
Yesterday my battery died while playing a podcast (common occurrence around here).
After I connected the phone to a wall charger (not computer) the phone restarted as if it was a complete factory reset.
ALL of my apps disappeared, ALL settings were gone, it was as if someone had replaced my phone with a new one (except dirty like my old one).
The SD card saved my pictures so it was not like a total loss.
Gmail saved all of my contacts. The Fun Store logged most of my apps so at least I can download each one (one at a time).
The questions are:
Is there any way to reset my phone back to my previous settings?
How could this have happened???