Battery Life Plummeting


Trusted Member
Nov 1, 2010
Updated to Oreo on Monday night, update went through great. Phone seemed to be a bit hungrier with the battery, so last night I performed a full FDR. Reinstalled my apps, and left it on the charger overnight.

I noticed this morning between getting up and getting to work that the battery seemed to drop a lot quicker than what it did a couple of days ago on 7.1.2.

I charged it fully here in my office this morning, unplugged it and didn't really use it so I could gauge how fast the battery was dropping. In 2.5 hours, the battery dropped 12%. This isn't normal for this phone. On Nougat, even with WiFi and BT running, I could get well over a day with my normal usage easily. Is anyone else seeing this? Here is what the battery stats show



In the time it took me to get these screenshots off my phone, onto my PC it's now down to 85%.
Maybe... hopefully that's all it is. Down now to 80% - lost 20% in the past 4 hours. Not sure if I dare leave it overnight now even with it fully charged.... we shall see how things go.
Having the same issue here. Even during the beta I had that problem. I un-enrolled because of the battery drain
Having the same issue here. Even during the beta I had that problem. I un-enrolled because of the battery drain

Thank you. Glad to know it's not just me. Hopefully Google will put out a fix. I sent feedback.
Are you on a Pixel or Pixel XL? My Pixel XL is at 63% right now and has been on battery for 9h 50m and I have 1h 47m of SOT and that was with my screen still set to a sleep after 5 minutes since I was doing something the other day that it was constantly timing out for but I am good about locking my phone when not using it anyway so I doubt that was a big factor. My phone is showing 17 hours still remaining on battery. Voice calls were 11% of my battery usage followed by chrome at 6%.
Updated to Oreo on Monday night, update went through great. Phone seemed to be a bit hungrier with the battery, so last night I performed a full FDR. Reinstalled my apps, and left it on the charger overnight.

I noticed this morning between getting up and getting to work that the battery seemed to drop a lot quicker than what it did a couple of days ago on 7.1.2.

I charged it fully here in my office this morning, unplugged it and didn't really use it so I could gauge how fast the battery was dropping. In 2.5 hours, the battery dropped 12%. This isn't normal for this phone. On Nougat, even with WiFi and BT running, I could get well over a day with my normal usage easily. Is anyone else seeing this? Here is what the battery stats show

View attachment 266193

View attachment 266194

In the time it took me to get these screenshots off my phone, onto my PC it's now down to 85%.
Same issue here. Did some driving yesterday with Spotify going in the background and by the end of the night last night I was below 10% left. Very uncharacteristic of a Pixel XL.
Add to the list of woes the fact that GSam appears to not work with Oreo, so I can't do the kind of battery analysis I would normally have done..
I'll give it some time for sure, but I'm seriously starting to look at flashing back to 7.1.2 if my battery life doesn't increase.
Well, somebody fixed something. Must have been some Google app perhaps.
In my experience this has happened after every OS update. I know from my standpoint I can't keep my hands off the phone just exploring and testing. It always settles down after a few days or a week. Give it some time and don't do anything drastic like reverting to a previous version.
True, but it was usually never that bad before. It does seem to have come back to its "normal self" after a number of Google app updates. We may never know, but I'm happy to see it. I loaded it through the beta channel on Tuesday morning. I was prepared to give it a week or so.... but now there's no need.
Mine is at 95% with 11 hours left. Heavy drain.

That is not abnormal. Usually after a new OS update a lot goes on behind the scenes in the first couple of days. Auto updates, especially in the AM, etc. Mine is at 92% since 6:30 AM but that is not too much considering I am keeping it active more. Apps like FB (which I don't use on my phone) use a lot.
Mine came off the charger at 9am (Atlantic time) - it's now 12:30 (so 3 and a half hours) - and I'm still sitting at 95%. This was not the case yesterday at this time. I think it's settled in nicely.

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