Battery life


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Mar 1, 2011
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If I don't play any games the phone will last all day no problem. If I play games it depends on what im playing, but obviously goes quicker.


Jan 20, 2012
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I usually unplug my Note around 8:30a. After a day of moderate usage, at about 8:00p its at around 50-45%. Thats pretty good as far as im concerned LOL


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Mar 20, 2012
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I got about 5 hrs today before I had to charge. But I have been playing with non stop, live wallpapers and weather app going.


Sep 4, 2010
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International version is excellent. Usually use it at a decent rate for an average of 12-14 hours daily and still have 35%-40% left by the end of it :)


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Feb 20, 2012
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I'm doing a lot better on battery life. With two emails and heavy texting, normal Web browsing, YouTube, and a few calls I'm down to 30-40% at the end of the day. Some days are better then others of course. Draw Something is a battery killer. I carry both a 4s and the Note and I just love the Note.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk


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Feb 20, 2012
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I was sitting at 69% when I posted my last post on here. I played a few rounds of draw something with a few friends and it dropped me down to 49%. Definitely a battery killer. I wish there was a setting within the game to turn off all the stupid animations between turns. To bad the game is just so darn fun lol.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk


Jan 5, 2010
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I got rid of Draw Something because of that very reason. I can wait and play on my ipad if I really want to. I also notice Angry Birds Space uses more battery than the other ones. Haha


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Apr 10, 2012
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I think I might have a faulty unit or something because my Note only gets between 5-7 hours of battery life before I need to charge it. I am a heavy user, but even then I see reviews where they get better battery life than me with heavy usage. I have started turning off 4G when I don't need it, and that extends my battery life somewhat. But I wish it would just be incredible like you guys are reporting. Otherwise I love my Note


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
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I think I might have a faulty unit or something because my Note only gets between 5-7 hours of battery life before I need to charge it. I am a heavy user, but even then I see reviews where they get better battery life than me with heavy usage. I have started turning off 4G when I don't need it, and that extends my battery life somewhat. But I wish it would just be incredible like you guys are reporting. Otherwise I love my Note

Battery comsumption is dependent on so many factors. Would you say your experience of 5-7 hours is more during the weekday, and that you typically experience greater battery life on the weekends?

For me, on the weekends I get the best battery life because I'm not checking email as often, and so the screen "on time" is not as high. During the week, I can usually get 12 hours, but my usage may not be as heavy as yours.

The display brightness, live wallpapers, widgets, and push email accounts draw a lot of batter power. However, I would say that the 5.3 display is the biggest culprit.

I carry a spare battery in my wallet because I'm out and about on my job most times. Many other users have invested in a desktop charger, or make use of their car charger when driving.


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Apr 10, 2012
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Battery comsumption is dependent on so many factors. Would you say your experience of 5-7 hours is more during the weekday, and that you typically experience greater battery life on the weekends?

For me, on the weekends I get the best battery life because I'm not checking email as often, and so the screen "on time" is not as high. During the week, I can usually get 12 hours, but my usage may not be as heavy as yours.

The display brightness, live wallpapers, widgets, and push email accounts draw a lot of batter power. However, I would say that the 5.3 display is the biggest culprit.

I carry a spare battery in my wallet because I'm out and about on my job most times. Many other users have invested in a desktop charger, or make use of their car charger when driving.

I carry a spare battery also, but I'd rather just have excellent battery life. And I have switched to a static wallpaper to try to eke out as much juice as I can. I just think my phone sucks more battery life than normal for the note


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Apr 16, 2012
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I don't think that is bad at all. I wake up at 6 am with 100% at 3:30 pm I have 65% with decent use and connected to wifi.
I never worry about battery because at work I am surrounded with outlets for juicing up. And I charge my. Phone at 50% so there's no need to worry of the battery depleting. I charge it while driving, etc etc.
It's really not a big deal with battery life. Just enjoying your phone.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
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With heavy usage I'm not sure how much battery life is reasonable.

I can go a whole day with moderate usage, and even with that I always have a spare.

I guess the best thing is to juice up whenever possible; in the car, at home, and at work.

I believe this is what most people really do, and some of the super stories of battery life may be a bit over exaggerated.


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Feb 9, 2011
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@T.Phillips39: I don't know why in particular, but your post intrigued me much more than other battery related threads and posts.

Over the weekend I did an experiment to see if I could duplicate your experience and I think I was able to do so. I took the Note off the charger at 5:45 a.m., and with constant heavy use, all on LTE (except for a total of about 30 minutes in standby) my battery died in 4hrs & 20 mins.

I viewed some Youtube videos, checked and responded to email, web browsing, listening to Tune In, and read a few chapters of my book. The display was on the entire time and at the end of the 4 hrs. my battery level was at 5% and I received the Battery Critical Message. It's at that time I switched out batteries and put in a fresh fully charged battery.

I had never done that before so my battery life has always been fairly decent for my use. Since this was only a test, and I don't normally use my device non-stop like that, I can see how you, if you do use your device like that, might be concerned.

You said you already carry a spare and that's good. If I was in your shoes with the really heavy usage like you have and need, I would invest in a desk top & car charger, and whenever possible plug the Note in for some added boost. Another option is the extended 5000mAh batteries you can find on Amazon or Ebay.

I personally don't like extended batteries because of the bulk they add to the device, but with the usage you have that extra 2500mAh might be worth it.
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Apr 10, 2012
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Woah cool experiment. Ive never gone non stop for 4 hours on my phone like that tho. I guess our definitions of heavy users are different lol. However, I have tested my battery performance similarly and I got about 3 hours and 15 minutes of display time before my phone died (it wasn't non stop use tho, you can check how long the screen has been on thru the settings menu). Thanks for the reply DAS I think I will take some of your suggestions into account.


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Apr 25, 2012
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I've had my Note for 5 days now. I would say for all the use I give it, the battery life is pretty good. Took it off charge about 6 this morning and am sitting on 29% right now at almost 5. Got 7 email accounts running, spent about 40 minutes this morning reading PULSE NEWS and web surfing, watched YouTube during the entire lunch hour, and have had about 6 phone calls and 20 text exchanges.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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First day, took it off the charger at 11:30 am (not a morning person hehe), went to college until 4pm, its 8pm and its at 20%. Its the first charge though so I aint tripping, been playing with it non-stop, it even got noticed when I pulled it out during class haha. :cool:


Apr 25, 2012
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Thought I would post again after a day when I didn't tinker with my Note ALL day. Today was a busy day at work so it was pretty much a day of phone calls text messages and email. Of course, I had to do some web surfing and play with a couple of apps and install a couple of new apps. I also updated 7 or so apps. I took it off charge at 6 AM and now it's 11:17PM. I'm down to 15% now. 17&1/2 hours is not too shabby in my book.

Saint DanBert

Jun 6, 2013
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If I don't use it, the charge lasts longer. Doh!

I get 8-10 hours with my Note-1 (SGH-i717). Much of my "use" involves S-pen note writing and calls, messages, email and calendar and reading with the Nook app. I'm not a gamer, video watcher, or music listener using the phone.

The battery usage history always reports that the screen is the primary power drain. I've tried the Auto mode for screen brightness but have never been happy with the results. Too often the content is too dim to read. Thus I dial back to 60% brightness. Having that control available on the Notifier panel makes things easy to adjust. I also turn off GPS and Bluetooth and even Wifi when I know they will not be available. I've never used even 3 GB of my 5 GB data plan ... and I have the hotspot feature enabled with AT&T.

By the way, does anyone have good details about optimal charging current for the Note-1 batteries? The in-box charger says, "0.7 A at 5.0 VDC"

I hope this helps inform,
~~~ 0;-Dan

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