Best Small Tablet with Cell?


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Dec 29, 2012
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So the Nexus 7 with Cell connection has just come out in the US. It looks pretty good. I'm interested in something about that size and it needs to have cell connection. The Nexus 7 is nearly 6 months old at this point, right? But is it the best tablet with cell connection out there? I've no rush to buy one and could wait for something new. But Christmas has come and gone and I didn't really get much. So I feel like I could treat myself to something.

Is the Nexus 7 the thing to buy now?

I have an iPhone 5 (work bought it for me) and iPad 3, so I'm looking for something more portable than my iPad. Mini is a possibility, but Nexus 7 seems much better buy and I'd like to give android another try.


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Dec 28, 2012
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In my honest opinion the Nexus 7 is the best bang for your buck. I use one and highly recommend it, its super fast and lightweight. The Nexus tablets basically get the quickest Android updates while other Android tablets can take weeks or months to receive them. The screen is very nice and clear and the device more or less never crashes or has any problems. The iPad mini looks really sick but I gotta say Android OS is very impressive and definitely worth trying out. I switched from iOS myself and have no regrets.

Oh and to answer your question I think its still the 7" device to buy even now.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Android Central Forums


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Dec 29, 2012
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Yeah and for me it has to have cell connection. Even though wifi is common, a portable device without cell connection doesn't make sense to me. So even if a better 7" comes out in the next couple of months, if it doesn't have cell and I need to wait two more months, then that is a decent amount of time.


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Dec 28, 2012
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I gotta say its really a matter of iPad Mini VS. Nexus 7 cause i don't really know what other tablets can compete. If you wanna stick to Apple go for the mini, but I gotta say once you use Android OS you will see how limited iOS can be. Having the mini will be like having a bigger iPhone without the phone. They are both very reliable I'm sure so whether you choose one or the other your still buying a great tablet that you probably won't regret. The Nexus 7 will give you a lot more options and flexibility if your the tinkerer type; i highly recommend it. Just remember either of these is a great choice and just a matter of preference. Try them out at the store if they're on display! This will give you a nice feel for either.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Android Central Forums


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Dec 29, 2012
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I ordered the Nexus 7. I'm curious to try Android again (I had an unfortunate experience with version 1 or 2). It will be interesting to dig in and see the difference in the Apps and the functionality. Will I be able to leave my iPad 3 at home. Or will I miss the size, LTE connection and the apps?


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Jan 5, 2012
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Odp: Best Small Tablet with Cell?

I ordered the Nexus 7. I'm curious to try Android again (I had an unfortunate experience with version 1 or 2). It will be interesting to dig in and see the difference in the Apps and the functionality. Will I be able to leave my iPad 3 at home. Or will I miss the size, LTE connection and the apps?

If you only tried 2.x then you should expirence new :) lot has changed since then

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