I just got back from verizon. My bionic has been dancing between 3G to 4g to 1x to no data in an area that is supposed to be a strong 4G area and I have already changed out the sim card and still did it even in the store. Since I would be going on Bionic 3 they offered me a LG Spectrum or Samsung Stratosphere (they suggested the Spectrum over the strat). I personally would rather have a nexus but they told me that they don't suggest it due to all of the software issues it has and the complaints (software issues are way easier to fix then hardware so I take that with a grain what they said about the nexus). They said those are my only instore options and anotated my account that they offered me a different phone or call customer service to see if they will give me a nexus refurb as exchange. I probably should be looking on the LG and Nexus forums to see if this is even worth it or to just get a 3rd bionic replacement which I'm not really wanting to do since I will be on bionic #3. Anyone have thoughts on the spectrum? I will probably call tonight to see if customer service will cough up the nexus.