Android Rules
5 days and 2.25 gig. I never used over 2 in a month. Although I am pushing on the phone to decide if I keep it.
8 days in and 1.27GB used. Looks like im on the low side of people posting here, but probably high due to setup and just playing with the phone in general.
I think i'm the only one here with the Bionic on a 2GB plan haha. It does suck having to be conservative about data. I always have Wi-fi at home and at school. I mainly use data when I am at work or out somewhere. I've managed to use only 150mb since the 8th.
You're one of the few it seems. I have the same problem having come to Verizon from AT&T. I'm noticing that I have to watch my data consumption a lot more closely with LTE on. Somehow I've only used 277mb since the 10th.
OBTW.... it's only a matter of time before all of you are on a tiered plan.
Hmmm I too am on the 2G plan and have had my bionic for 6 days and have managed to use a whopping 24MB.
OBTW.... it's only a matter of time before all of you are on a tiered plan.
I am eligible to switch my personal plan to a corporate plan (with a 22% discount) but by doing so, Verizon is telling me that my current unlimited data plans would be converted to a 2GB tiered plan on all my phones.
I am thinking of upgrading my current phone (Blackberry Storm 2) to a Bionic but am concerned about losing my unlimited data plan.
How has data usage been for you guys with Bionics? Is it going over 2GB per month? (My current usage has not been near 2GB per month for the past several months, but I am concerned about the Bionic's use in my 4G area.) Would it be a bad idea to lose my unlimited plan?
I agree. At some point Verizon will assimilate all the grandfathered unlimited plans one way or another into the tiered structure.