Bionic in Long Run?


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Feb 16, 2011
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Gathering from what I have read from posts and weeks of research, Its obvious the HTC TB is the clear winner when it comes to my choice over the Bionic..

However It seems to me that the Bionic will have some upgrades in the near future upon release. With these new upgrades wont the Bionic more then surpass the TB when these upgrades hit?

For me Both are amazing phones and I'm sure whatever phone you choose it will be a good choice but one phrase comes to mind.. " Good things come to those who wait." I believe the Driod Bionic will work these kinks out as well as upgrade software etc. and when this happens I can see the Bionic being significantly better then the TB.

What do you guy's think?

Also I'm seeing different answers here and there but can we confirm the TB will have Swype?

What do you guy's think about the
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Jan 26, 2010
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why would he post in the bionic thread to ask tbolt enthusiasts their thoughts on how the tbolt will hold up to the bionic in the long run?


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Feb 16, 2011
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Well I would assume they are going to realize blur is horrible and make changes. You have to understand these people are looking and hearing all of the complaints and they will realize if they don't make changes they will lose business to HTC.. Also Think about this in that same logic they also realize by now that the dual pro. are to much for the phone and thus they will need an upgrade to the Software itself. If you all remember when the EVO first came out and the negative comments about this and that, then you will remember the significant upgrades that came along with it. I believe the Bionic will Do the same.

but.... This is just me what do you all think?


Retired Moderator
Nov 2, 2009
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I not going to worry about not receiving updates if I get the TB. I believe both phones will get all the support they need and don't see any reason why they wouldn't. HTC has had great support from the developers on XDA where if your rooted you should be able to receive new operating system before many others. I have a Dinc and have been running it with Gingerbread which very few phones have.


Jan 26, 2010
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Well I would assume they are going to realize blur is horrible and make changes. You have to understand these people are looking and hearing all of the complaints and they will realize if they don't make changes they will lose business to HTC.. Also Think about this in that same logic they also realize by now that the dual pro. are to much for the phone and thus they will need an upgrade to the Software itself. If you all remember when the EVO first came out and the negative comments about this and that, then you will remember the significant upgrades that came along with it. I believe the Bionic will Do the same.

but.... This is just me what do you all think?

are you joking? you must not understand that these corporations dont give a **** about what us forum users say, think, or post. blur isnt going anywhere, thats a fact. they have millions invested in it and will continually update it to give people what their market researchers think we want. what makes you think the bionic will convince them blur is crap when the D2, D2G, and X has not?


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Feb 10, 2011
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I think you may be right. Initially, the Bionic isn't going to be tremendously impressive initially. Only after 2.4 comes out, Motorola gets it on the phone, and developers make efficient multithreaded apps will dual core WOW you.

The problem is that you'll end up waiting for months after the release of the phone which is months away. Inevitably, the primary reason for buying the Droid Bionic over the TB (the dual core processor) will not impress you until the second gen dual cores come out, in about a year from now. If you get a TB now on a one year contract, you'll be able to grab one of those at that time.

And you can't ignore the fact that the Bionic will be very hard to gain root and thus, probably won't see overclocking in any reasonable time-frame. The TB, on the other hand, will most likely be rooted in a short amount of time with overclocking reaching 1.5GHz (if other phones based on the same CPU are any indication). I think the TB at 1.5GHz will probably be more powerful than the Bionic at stock without multithreaded apps.

Of course, this is mainly speculation based on what we've seen from current gen 2 snapdragons and the LG Optimus 2X (similar hardware setup).

I think "good things come to those who wait" need not apply here. If you're contract is up or you absolutely must have a new phone, the Thunderbolt seems to be the device to get. This is, of course, my opinion :) ... since most of it is speculation (for and against my argument), there really isn't a "right answer," just a best guess.


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Jan 18, 2011
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You guys should realize that by the end of this year, dual core will be passe, because Quad Core will be the next hawtness. Why play catch up now, when you can just coast for now through proven hardware and specs (Thunderbolt with speedy LTE speed), and wait a year for the quad core fever hit? If you get a dual core phone now, and you'll be sad a year later when Nvidia and Qualcomm hit you with delicious quad core.
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Feb 16, 2011
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I think you may be right. Initially, the Bionic isn't going to be tremendously impressive initially. Only after 2.4 comes out, Motorola gets it on the phone, and developers make efficient multithreaded apps will dual core WOW you.

The problem is that you'll end up waiting for months after the release of the phone which is months away. Inevitably, the primary reason for buying the Droid Bionic over the TB (the dual core processor) will not impress you until the second gen dual cores come out, in about a year from now. If you get a TB now on a one year contract, you'll be able to grab one of those at that time.

And you can't ignore the fact that the Bionic will be very hard to gain root and thus, probably won't see overclocking in any reasonable time-frame. The TB, on the other hand, will most likely be rooted in a short amount of time with overclocking reaching 1.5GHz (if other phones based on the same CPU are any indication). I think the TB at 1.5GHz will probably be more powerful than the Bionic at stock without multithreaded apps.

Of course, this is mainly speculation based on what we've seen from current gen 2 snapdragons and the LG Optimus 2X (similar hardware setup).

I think "good things come to those who wait" need not apply here. If you're contract is up or you absolutely must have a new phone, the Thunderbolt seems to be the device to get. This is, of course, my opinion :) ... since most of it is speculation (for and against my argument), there really isn't a "right answer," just a best guess.

I will have to agree with you on this one. You really make a good point here.

Thank you...

zero neck

The Ever-Living
Jan 13, 2011
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I like this thread here because i would never have looked in the bionic section for something like this.

2 I think the tbolt will stand up regardless of what phones in the next year are capable of doing. A top of the line phone right now will be fast enough to do almost everything it should a year from now and longer, except really involved gaming i guess.

Im not an expert tho and i can't see the future of android software, but the tbolt is looking pretty solid if your update's available, even on a 2 year contract if you could stand a few months of new phone jitters at the end.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
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I like this thread here because i would never have looked in the bionic section for something like this.

2 I think the tbolt will stand up regardless of what phones in the next year are capable of doing. A top of the line phone right now will be fast enough to do almost everything it should a year from now and longer, except really involved gaming i guess.

Im not an expert tho and i can't see the future of android software, but the tbolt is looking pretty solid if your update's available, even on a 2 year contract if you could stand a few months of new phone jitters at the end.

Agreed. My upgrade is available tomorrow and I'll be getting the TB with a two year contract. I just know that if I wait for the Bionic I will hear of some even better phone that will be coming in a few months right before the Bionic release date, then another must-have phone a few months after that.

At some point you need to bite the bullet.


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Feb 10, 2011
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Just as a quick addendum to what I've been saying. I know I said that you'd be able to get the 2nd gen dual cores by the time you upgrade, and I'm sure that is true.

NVIDIA's Project Kal-El: Quad-Core A9s Coming to Smartphones/Tablets This Year - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News

But they will have quad cores for sure, as well.

Again, does anyone really want to get a bionic and drool over the much faster quad cores 6 months later, before they even get to really stretch their dual core's legs?

Bushido Brown

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Jul 8, 2010
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I think you may be right. Initially, the Bionic isn't going to be tremendously impressive initially. Only after 2.4 comes out, Motorola gets it on the phone, and developers make efficient multithreaded apps will dual core WOW you.

The problem is that you'll end up waiting for months after the release of the phone which is months away. Inevitably, the primary reason for buying the Droid Bionic over the TB (the dual core processor) will not impress you until the second gen dual cores come out, in about a year from now. If you get a TB now on a one year contract, you'll be able to grab one of those at that time.

And you can't ignore the fact that the Bionic will be very hard to gain root and thus, probably won't see overclocking in any reasonable time-frame. The TB, on the other hand, will most likely be rooted in a short amount of time with overclocking reaching 1.5GHz (if other phones based on the same CPU are any indication). I think the TB at 1.5GHz will probably be more powerful than the Bionic at stock without multithreaded apps.
You base this off of what? The "fact" the Incredible was rooted faster than the DX? Oh that's right, it wasn't. Why do so many people keep reiterating this fallacy? I just don't get it.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
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You base this off of what? The "fact" the Incredible was rooted faster than the DX? Oh that's right, it wasn't. Why do so many people keep reiterating this fallacy? I just don't get it.

Okay... I wasn't aware that it was easier to overclock a Droid X than an Incredible. I stand corrected.

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