Bixby button and fingerprint scanner


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Sep 29, 2013
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Do the majority of the people find the Bixby button in the way or being touched/pressed accidentally? Regarding the scanner, is the camera easily smudged while trying to use this?

Thinking about getting an S8 tomorrow but have concerns about these issues! Thanks.


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Dec 21, 2014
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It's really more of a personal thing , i personally barely use the camera but when i opened the app i didn't noticed smudging (i do clean that area every couple days) scanner i quite like the position but i do sometimes press that bixby button from time to time not a major deal breaker imo but like i said it's a personal thing (i have the s8+) i'd say try both models in store and worst case just get an app and disable the bixby button and use the other methods of unlocking if you find the scanner hard to use .


May 13, 2011
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I thought I would hate the Bixby button and I still do. But, I don't hate having the actual physical button there anymore. BxActions. Made the button a damn Flashlight. Problem solved. You can also deactivate it if you want completely.

Without a case, I would still be upset about the button's placement because it is RIGHT where the side of my finger naturally wants to hold the phone firmly when taking pictures. It would also be inadvertently be pressed if holding the phone too long and forgetting about being aware of it or when I switch hands etc. Using a case though alleviates this for the most part...but then another problem...

Another gripe though is they should have put it at the top, not at the bottom. Most of my "current" accidental Bixby touches are from trying to go for volume control when at the gym and the phone is in my pocket. Even with some cases making the Bixby area distinct from the volume control keys, you just always naturally want to slide up looking for the Minus volume key. Almost slightly frustrating.

I'm still in training mode for the device so luckily the novelty is keeping me up and any and all other "issues" I determine are being handled as a "challenge" to learn the S8+.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2013
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I thought I would hate the Bixby button and I still do. But, I don't hate having the actual physical button there anymore. BxActions. Made the button a damn Flashlight. Problem solved. You can also deactivate it if you want completely.

You can turn the button into a flashlight toggle? I'll have to look into that. I haven't even messed with Bixby yet. I have accidentally hit the button twice so far. I just got the device this past Sunday so I'm still on the learning curve as well. I'm sort of annoyed by Bixby having it's own button as well but if I can turn it into a flashlight toggle, I can get down on that.

I agree that they should have put the button on top, away from the volume buttons. But they clearly didn't think out button placement very well on this device given where they put the fingerprint scanner. Seriously, what were they thinking?


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Oct 8, 2013
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To each their own...I love the FPS and have had zero issues with its location on the phone. Haven't smudged my camera once.

Fair enough. I think you are in the minority though. I will admit, I'm getting used to it. Once my case comes in, I think I won't mind it as much. I'm rocking the phone naked right now so it's hard to feel the difference between the camera and the FPS.


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Sep 29, 2013
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I was looking to get one of those cases that has a partition between the camera and the FPS which seems like it would help. But as a lefty I was concerned about always having my hand over the bixby button, I played with some floor models and it didnt seem to be a huge issue but that was a short period of time.


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Dec 17, 2016
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Some here speak of disabling the Bixby button. Can this be done on the device, with no additional app/software? Thanks


May 13, 2011
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Play around with the app, it works well. During the initial official release of the phone, when "professional" online reviewers had already had access and time using the S8, it was revealed that 3rd party apps designed to remap the BB were rendered useless or next to useless because of the fact that Samsung actually released an Over Air Update to kill those apps ASAP.
The 3rd party apps apparently overcame this issue as they were still available after the Over Air Update, but they had a SEVERE flaw: Even though you could remap the BB, it was a psuedo remap. Meaning, if you had your BB remapped to open Google Assistant, what would actually happen is this> 1.) Push BB 2.) Bixby Opens for 1/2 seconds 3.) Bixby is killed/closes 4.) Google Assistant opens. Sure it was good to have the option still, but the application/process was slouchy. It was really ugly seeing "Bixby" screen pop up for a nano second before opening the app/tool you set it to.

Well, at this point in time 11:30 PM PST California, the current "BxActions" app is damn nearly flawless. The issue I described above is ALMOST non existent. At least, I can claim I have NEVER seen Bixby try to spawn before opening my custom remap in day to day life.

There ARE other quirks I've experienced and am waiting for information online to surface from other users who might experience the same phenomena, but it's really so rare and slight that even I'm okay with (I'm a very stingy person).

Nothing will compare to a stock feature to handle this mess, but again, I HIGHLY recommend BxActions.


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Dec 17, 2016
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Am thinking more and more I'll simply try Bixby. Well, at least learn to use it and see what it has to offer. After all being a return to Android user, what do I have to lose?

But, I digress...


Trusted Member
Feb 12, 2017
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Am thinking more and more I'll simply try Bixby. Well, at least learn to use it and see what it has to offer. After all being a return to Android user, what do I have to lose?

But, I digress...

All things being equal i would like to have the FP scanner on the front, but i have got used to where it is at so it has become a non issue.

I really want to like Bixby, it is a shame that it was not ready to go at launch, i fear it will never gain the traction it might have it had been ready to roll from day one.

My complaint right now is that i wish i could pick the news source app it pulled from, not impressed with flipboard.

Having it's own button has not been an issue, not sure i have ever pushed it by mistake TBH.


Well-known member
May 2, 2017
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Do the majority of the people find the Bixby button in the way or being touched/pressed accidentally? Regarding the scanner, is the camera easily smudged while trying to use this?

Thinking about getting an S8 tomorrow but have concerns about these issues! Thanks.

Get an S7 Edge. Cheaper now, better screen aspect ratio, better placement of that fingerprint scanner, in some respects better camera, and besides some things you really don't need like an iris scanner, there's nothing the S8 can do that the S7 Edge can't.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2015
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Do the majority of the people find the Bixby button in the way or being touched/pressed accidentally? Regarding the scanner, is the camera easily smudged while trying to use this?

Thinking about getting an S8 tomorrow but have concerns about these issues! Thanks.

I don't think the Bixby button is in the way. I hardly even notice it. As for the FPS, no I don't have any issues with the lens smudging. It's not a problem unless you're eating Cheetos and then using your phone without first wiping your hands. Many of the reviewers are not photographers, it takes a lot of smudges to make pictures come out blurry. Smudges will cause lens flare though, but only if you're looking directly into a really bright light source.


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2013
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Never smudged it once. HA. I call bull#**** dude.

I also have not smudged mine, not even once, am I a liar too? The only times I have activated the Bixby button is when I've put the phone in the car dock or when setting it on my wireless charger stand, So I now just turn the phone upside down & position it to not push the power button, works great. I love this phone!!

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