Bored with your EVO?

So Cold

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
First and foremost this is not a thread for "evo bashing" there are plenty of threads about battery life, bugs, etc....

This threads is for people who want to refresh their phone. I've been running stock sense since launch day and with as much as I use my phone I just get bored with the look and feel after a while, that's not a knock on the evo just the way I am. I've dabbled with other launchers but at the end of the day you can always tell that you are running one launcher over sense and sense over android and so I always end up back with sense.

Lately I've been running widget locker and yes it glitches and you still see the sense lock screen from time to time but I like the added functionality and the different look and feel enough that I've been living with it.

I've thought about running cm10 for a while now but haven't had the time to pull the trigger (this would be my first time rooting)

Just looking for people to share their experiences and recommendations on good customization options for people like me who are bored. Thanks!


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2012
I've been feeling the same too. I flashed to MeanBean a couple weeks back and am loving the stability and speed I've gotten from it but am getting a little bored with the Sense skins. Especially since they took so many away from us with the JB update. There are some good customization options I've seen out there once you're rooted...but on MeanBean flashing anything from recovery runs the risk of breaking something baked into the ROM so Sense it's staying. I REALLY like the look of these BRKotucs [UCCW] [Theming, Widgets, Skins and More][Updated on 01/24/2013] - xda-developers


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2012
I installed ADW launcher yesterday(preferred it over Nova or GoLauncher) and have been loving it so far. The only overlaps to Sense are the some Sense apps that I like and the settings menu. Other than that Widgets app drawer and all of that are all ADW. I love that I can completely hide the status bar on the homescreen and that I can use gestures to launch certain things. I thought running a launcher might bog thing down but I couldn't be more wrong. Haven't experienced any noticeable lag or had any crashes are even the slightest glitch yet even after using memory intensive apps.


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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2012
First and foremost this is not a thread for "evo bashing" there are plenty of threads about battery life, bugs, etc....

This threads is for people who want to refresh their phone. I've been running stock sense since launch day and with as much as I use my phone I just get bored with the look and feel after a while, that's not a knock on the evo just the way I am. I've dabbled with other launchers but at the end of the day you can always tell that you are running one launcher over sense and sense over android and so I always end up back with sense.

Lately I've been running widget locker and yes it glitches and you still see the sense lock screen from time to time but I like the added functionality and the different look and feel enough that I've been living with it.

I've thought about running cm10 for a while now but haven't had the time to pull the trigger (this would be my first time rooting)

Just looking for people to share their experiences and recommendations on good customization options for people like me who are bored. Thanks!

If you choose "no lock screen" in sense, widget locker will work flawlessly.

Sent from my EVO LTE using Tapatalk 2


Active member
Apr 3, 2011
I would be satisfied with sense if I could get a 5x5 grid. I don't understand how anyone can settle on a 4x4 grid on this big beautiful screen.

Nova launcher works great for me. Though I miss the random transitions from Apex.

Sent from my MeanBean optimized and Supercharged ElteVO.