?? Boy, is this forum ssllloooooooooooww....


Dec 8, 2010
How can an OS with hundreds of thousands more people have such a stagnant forum such as this one, compared to PreCentral, which caters to a bellyflop of an OS?

I'm not just talking about the complaints that usually cause people to post in forums, I'm talking in general.

What a strange phenomenon.
Maybe because your avatar scared them away.
P|C Currently Active Users: 1687 (345 members and 1342 guests)

A|C Currently Active Users: 4833 (1150 members and 3683 guests)

I've found that people here on AC tend to respond to questions faster than the other SPE sites I'm also a member of and without the snark and sarcasm you often see on CB and tipb.
I'm really liking it here and liking my android phone as well.
Yeah we're pretty strict about making all members feel welcome here. In the old days, when we were much smaller, I surveyed a group of members, and the feedback I received is pretty consistent with what you're saying. People commented that everyone is really helpful and friendly here and that the community is eager to answer questions. I've been adimant about maintaining an environment that's in the spirit of my opening paragraph of the forum rules. I have no trouble at all getting rid of one bad apple if it helps us retain 10 good ones. All that said, I can't speak for the other forums, since I spend all my time over here.
I don't get the bad attitudes and rudeness over here that I do over there.

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That's my point.

More people here, but less posts per hour.

But posts per hour can be deceiving if people are using the wealth of knowledge that is already accumulated here, as opposed to posting the same questions over and over again, ie, "Whats a battery pull?" :p

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