I don't want to spend your money but Amazon has an LG V60 yes 60 for something like $450 so if you take off the hundred and fifty instead of throwing it away on a used v40 who's condition you don't even know and I got screwed why what was a so-called brand new phone on eBay for my first to be 20 , then then you're basically paying $300 for brand new V60. I am using my v20 is a spare but I just put in $26 for new 6800 battery which I have to tell you really makes such a difference because his phone was really screwing up with all the little batteries that were dying and not making proper connection, and then I really need to get one of those $45 kits to fix the screen so now I'm talkin about $71 for a pretty slow phone. so I was actually thinking I'm getting the V60 yeah, taking off the $71 and I'm basically getting a new a new V60 for $380. and then I'll use the v40 I have is a spare and that's what I will use as much as I can on Wi-Fi and that's green is great and I can also use it for listening to books at night. now we're talkin about top quality phones and quite frankly I would never spend 12 or 13 or $1,400 for a phone and then I would have to get insurance because it's so expensive and before you know it with the sales tax in the insurance and the new supplies you close to $1,800. So thankfully LG has great deals on phones. I would hate the idea that I have a phone that cost me almost $2,000 from my pocket. the LG v40 I got now I'm basically paying $480 for over 30 months so it's a little over $15 a month and I have another here to go. but I like the idea of having a backup, a good backup so if I have to send the phone back to LG I will have something else to use.