" Camera has been opened via Quick launch" Message alway appearing.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2010
Does anyone know how to turn off "
Camera has been opened via Quick
launch." message. It appears each time a double press the home button,then I have to press ok before I take a photo.

Is anyone else having this problem?

That only appeared for me the first time I initially opened the camera then it went away!
Does anyone know how to turn off "
Camera has been opened via Quick
launch." message. It appears each time a double press the home button,then I have to press ok before I take a photo.

Is anyone else having this problem?

View attachment 237359

Like the others have reported I think I had it the very first time I double clicked the home button, but haven't had it since. If you haven't already you can try going into camera in app manager and clearing your cache and data areas for the camera. You should get the message one more time when you launch it after that, but then you shouldn't see it again.
Go to your setting in the camera and you should get a screen similar or like this. You can turn off quick launch there.


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Like the others have reported I think I had it the very first time I double clicked the home button, but haven't had it since. If you haven't already you can try going into camera in app manager and clearing your cache and data areas for the camera. You should get the message one more time when you launch it after that, but then you shouldn't see it again.
I cleared both but still having the issue. I hope it is not a phone problem. I'll try a restart as well.
Yeah I just noticed that. I missed that. It seems like with my Note 5 that only happened once. I don't now if going to notifications Ana turning off the notifications for the camera will stop that. You can try that.
Re: "Camera has been opened via Quick launch" Message alway appearing.

Mine started doing it yesterday after the update. I've restarted the phone a couple times thinking that would help. Also, now that I'm playing with my phone, the message appears even I use the menu icon to start the camera. Just tried swiping up from the lock screen, and got the message. Ok, so all 3 methods to open the camera give me the message. This is annoying. Surely it's a bug.
Try booting into safe mode.. Do you still have the same problem?
Re: "Camera has been opened via Quick launch" Message alway appearing.

I have this issue on my note 7 as well. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of the quick launch feature. I hope the have a patch for this soon.
Re: "Camera has been opened via Quick launch" Message alway appearing.

Does anyone know how to turn off "
Camera has been opened via Quick
launch." message. It appears each time a double press the home button,then I have to press ok before I take a photo.

Is anyone else having this problem?

View attachment 237359

So I'm pretty sure you've probably gotten this figured out by now or given up but I recently had the same problem and after enough searching/trial and error I found the answer. Odds are when you're getting the message it's in a dark place. If the camera thinks you've done it accidentally (like while in your pocket or purse) it will display the message. Try putting the camera to a light and then double tapping home.
I have same problem. I try everything saying in this tread, but nothing helps...

What yan i do more?
Re: "Camera has been opened via Quick launch" Message alway appearing.

Thank you!
I was tired of losing my photos because of that message appearing.
Now I know I have to be prepared if I do that in dark places.
Re: "Camera has been opened via Quick launch" Message alway appearing.

Like the others have reported I think I had it the very first time I double clicked the home button, but haven't had it since. If you haven't already you can try going into camera in app manager and clearing your cache and data areas for the camera. You should get the message one more time when you launch it after that, but then you shouldn't see it again.

For me, it kept coming up each time I quick launched the camera until I closed the camera instead of deactivating it by hitting the home button which leaves the camera "minimized" but still open. By closing the camera, it now does not irritate me with that extraneous message.
forplan, try this - I had the same problem and this worked:
1. Quick launch the camera
2. Minimize it by hitting the home button one time
3. Tap on the application select button on the left of the home button (at least that's where it is on my S6)
4. Select close all
5. Push the sleep mode button on the right side of your phone - the one that turns the phone into a hibernating state with a black screen.
6. Now when you double tap the home button, you should have no quick launch dialog popup appear.

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